[DB-SIG] ODMG Date/time classes
Jim Fulton
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 16:20:58 -0500
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As promised, I'm providing skeleton python classes that
describe the interfaces to the standard date-time related
types defined by the Object Data Management Group (ODMG)
standard. I beleave these are based on possibly SQL standards,
although I can't provide a reference.
I prefer this interface to the interface proposed by M.-A. Lemburg
- It is a standard,
- It handles time zones in a reasonable minimal manner,
- It provides for separation of date, time, and interval,
- It supports date/time arithmetic,
- It provides information hiding (the implementation is not
Jim Fulton mailto:jim@digicool.com
Technical Director (888) 344-4332 Python Powered!
Digital Creations http://www.digicool.com http://www.python.org
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class Interval:
"""Duration of time
The Interval class is used to represent a duration of time. It is
also used to perform arithmetic operations on Date, Time, and
Timestamp classes. This class corresponds to the date-time
interval as defined in the SQL standard.
The Interval class accepts nonnormalized input, but normalizes
the time components when accessed. For example, the constructor
would accept 28 hours as input, but then calling the day method
would return a value of 1 and the hour method would return a
value of 4. Arithmetic would work in a similar manner.
def __init__(self, day=0, hour=0, min=0, sec=0.0):
"""Initialize an Interval
An alternate signature may be used to initialize an Interval
from an existing Interval:
def day(self):
"""Return the day part of the interval"
def hour(self):
"""Return the hour part of the interval"
def minute(self):
"""Return the minute part of the interval"
def second(self):
"""Return the seconds part of the interval"
def is_zero(self):
"""Return true if all of the interval parts are zero
Return false otherwise.
def __nonzero__(self):
"""Return true if any of the interval parts are nonzero
Return false otherwise.
def __neg__(self):
"""Return the Interval negated"""
def __pos__(self):
"""Return the Interval"""
def __add__(self, anInterval):
"""Add two intervals"""
def __sub__(self, anInterval):
"""Subtract two intervals"""
def __mul__(self, anInt):
"""Multiply an interval by an integer"""
def __div__(self, anInt):
"""Divide an interval by an integer"""
def __mod__(self, anInt):
"""Return the remainder of division by an integer"""
def __divmod__(self, anInt):
"""Return the result and remainder of division by an integer"""
def __cmp__(self, anInterval):
"""Compare two intervals"""
def __hash__(self):
"""Return a hash value"""
class _DateStatic:
"""Static Date functions
This class is not a part of the public interface, but the methods
defined below are "static" methods of the (public) Date class.
def current(self):
"""Return the current date"
def is_leap_year(self, year):
"""Return true if the given year is a leap year, and false otherwise"
def days_in_year(self, year):
"""Return the number of days in the year"
def days_in_month(self, year, month):
"""Return the number of days in the month of the year"
def is_valid_date(self, year, month, day):
"""Test whether the given year, month, and day are valid"
class Date:
The Date class stores a representation of a date consisting of
a year, month and day. It also provides enumerations to denote
weekdays and months.
Days within a month or year are numbered from 1, as are months.
[Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
] = range(7)
[January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December
] = range(1,13)
def __init__(self, *args):
"""Initialize a date
A number of different signatures are supported:
Date() -- Initialize to the current date.
Date(aDateOrTimestamp) --
Initialize from an existing Date or Timestamp
Date(aTimeTime) --
Initialize from a value of the type
returned by the 'time' function of the 'time' module.
Date(year, day_of_year) --
Initialize from a year and a day within the year.
Date(year, month, day) --
initialize from a year, month, and day.
if the specified date inputs are invalid, a DateInvalidError
exception is raised.
def year(self):
"""Return the year component of the date"""
def month(self):
"""Return the month component of the date"""
def day(self):
"""Return the day (in the month) component of the date"""
def day_of_year(self):
"""Return the day within the year"""
def day_of_week(self):
"""Return the day within the week as an integer"""
def is_leap_year(self):
"""Return true if the date\'s year is a leap year, and false otherwise"
def next(self, aDayOfWeek):
"""Advance the date to the next date that falls on the day of the week
The date is modified and returned"
def previous(self, aDayOfWeek):
"""Back the date to the next date that falls on the day of the week
The date is modified and returned"
def increment(self, days):
"""Advance the date the given number of days
The date is modified and returned"
def deccrement(self, days):
"""Back the date the given number of days
The date is modified and returned"
def __add__(self, anInterval):
"""Add an Interval, returning a new Date"""
def __sub__(self, anIntervalOrDate):
"""Subtract a Date or an Interval
If subtracting an Interval, a Date is returned.
If subtracting a Date, an Interval is returned.
def __cmp__(self, aDate):
"""Compare two dates"""
def __hash__(self):
"""Return a hash code"""
def is_between(self, aDate, anotherDate):
"""Return true if the date is between 'aDate' and 'anotherdate'.
Return false otherwise.
def days_in_year(self):
"""Return the number of days in the year"
def days_in_month(self):
"""Return the number of days in the month"
class DateInvalidError:
"""Exception class for invalid date creation parameters"""
class _TimeStatic:
"""Static Time Functions
This class is not a part of the public interface, but the methods
defined below are "static" methods of the (public) Time class.
def default_Time_Zone(self):
"""Get the default time zone hours offset"""
def default_Time_Zone_minutes(self):
"""Get the default time zone minutes offset"""
def set_default_Time_Zone(self, hours, minutes=0):
"""Set the default time zone (offset from GMT)"""
def set_default_Time_Zone_to_local(self):
"""Set the default time zone to the local time zone"""
def current():
"""Return the current time as a Time using the default
time zone"
class Time:
"""Denote a specific time
The Time class is used to denote a specific time, which is
internally stored in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
GMT_11, GMT_10, GMT_9, GMT_8, GMT_7, GMT_6,
GMT_5, GMT_4, GMT_3, GMT_2, GMT_1, GMT,
GMT7, GMT8, GMT9, GMT10, GMT11,
] range(-11,12)
USeastern, UScentral, USmountain, USpacific = -5, -6, -7, -8
def __init__(self, *args):
"""Initialize a Time
A number of different signatures are supported:
Time() -- initialize to current time (and default time zone)
Time(aTimeOrTimestamp) -- Initialize from a Time or Timestamp
Time(hour, minute, second=0, tz_hour=None, tz_minute=None) --
Initialize from given hour, minute, second, and time-zone
offset in hours and minutes.
If the time zone is not specified, then the default time
zone is used. If tz_hour is specified, then
tz_minute defaults to 0.
def hour(self):
"Return the hour component of the Time"
def minute(self):
"Return the minute component of the Time"
def second(self):
"Return the second component of the Time"
def tz_hour(self):
"Return the time-zone hour component"
def tz_minute(self):
"Return the time-zone minute component"
def __add__(self, anInterval):
"""Add an Interval"""
def __sub__(self, anIntervalOrTime):
"""Subtract a Time or an Interval
If a Time is subtracted, then an Interval is returned.
If an Interval is subtracted, then a Time is returnd
(modulo 24 hours).
def __cmp__(self, aTime):
"""Compare two Times"""
def __hash__(self):
"""Return a hash code"""
class TimeInvalidError:
"""Exception class for invalid Time creation parameters"""
class _TimestampStatic:
"""Static Timestamp Functions
This class is not a part of the public interface, but the methods
defined below are "static" methods of the (public) Timestamp class.
def current():
"""Return the current time as a Timestamp"
class Timestamp:
"""A Timestamp models a point in time as a Date and a Time"""
def __init__(self, *args):
"""Initialize a Timestamp
A number of different signatures are supported:
Timestamp() -- Initialize to current time, using the default
time zone.
Timestamp(year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0,
tzhours=None, tzminutes=None) --
Initialize from a year, month, day, hour, minute, and
time zone. If the time zone is not specified, then the
default time zone is used. If tzhours is specified, then
tzminutes defaults to 0.
Timestamp(aDate, aTime) -- Initialize from a Date and Time
Timestamp(Timestamp) -- Initialize from a Timestamp
Timestamp(aTimeTime, tzhours=None, tzminutes=None) --
Initialize from a value of the type returned by the 'time'
function of the 'time' module, and the local time zone.
If the time zone is not specified, then the default time zone
is used. If tzhours is specified, then tzminutes defaults to 0.
def date(self):
"""Return the Date component"
def time(self):
"""Return the time component"
def year(self):
"""Return the year component of the date"""
def month(self):
"""Return the month component of the date"""
def day(self):
"""Return the day (in the month) component of the date"""
def hour(self):
"Return the hour component of the Time"
def minute(self):
"Return the minute component of the Time"
def second(self):
"Return the second component of the Time"
def tz_houre(self):
"Return the time-zone hour component"
def tz_minute
"Return the time-zone minute component"
def __add__(self, anInterval):
"""Add an Interval"""
def __sub__(self, anIntervalOrTime):
"""Subtract a Timestamp or an Interval"""
def __cmp__(self, aTimestamp):
"""Compare two Timestamps"""
def __hash__(self):
"""Return a hash code"""
class TimestampInvalidError:
"""Exception class for invalid Timestamp creation parameters"""
def overlaps(s1,e1,s2,e2):
"""Determine wether two periods overlap.
The first period is defined by either two Dates, two Times,
or two Timestamps s1, and e1.
The second period is defined by either two Dates, two Times,
or two Timestamps s1, and e1.
This function is not defined for combinations of two Dates and two
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