[DB-SIG] resend: quick help with auto increment fields
Sam Gendler
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:23:50 -0800
OK, now I am subscribed, so I am sending it again. Sorry for the
redundancy, but I was unsure if it would go through before I subscribed.
I am new to using databases from within python (outside of Zope that
is), and in addition, I am being forced to jump into it while
simultaneously jumping into pythonwin and odbc, so please bear with me.
I have successfully connected to an ODBC data source (although it failed
when I tried to connect to SQL server 7.0, it worked with Access), and I
can execute SELECT queries no problem. However, my current app really
only needs to do INSERT queries, anyway. I am curious as to whether the
cursor returns the value of an auto incrementing field when doing an
insert, or if there is any way to get such information.
Also, if anyone has any advice on connecting to SQL server 7.0, that
would be great. I am currently using the odbc module, rather than the
calldll method, since I am not terribly familiar with the windows api to
begin with. I will use calldll if I have to, though.
Please respond directly, as I was getting no response from the list
subscription form. I will continue attempting to subscribe.