[DB-SIG] PostgreSQL modules?

Chris Cogdon chris@cogdon.org
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 15:37:18 -0800 (PST)

Hi there. I'm a little confused as to which module to use to talk to a
PostgreSQL database from python. I've found two modules, and am wondering
what people out there are generally using.

PyGreSQL-3.1: Seems to be actively maintained. I've been using the non-API
interface for some time, now, but the DB-API-2.0 compliant module isn't;
it doesnt do quoting of parameters.

PySQL-1.0: Seems to work okay, but the project on sourceforge looks
completely dead. Is this still actively maintained ?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

   ("`-/")_.-'"``-._        Chris Cogdon <chris@cogdon.org>
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