[DB-SIG] Suggestions for DB-API improvements

Federico Di Gregorio fog@initd.org
08 Jul 2002 10:57:22 +0200

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Il lun, 2002-07-08 alle 08:37, Dustin Sallings ha scritto:
> Around 01:45 on Jul 8, 2002, Federico Di Gregorio said:
> # mm.. python or C? some drivers are C-only and would not be very nice to
> # force them go python.
> 	I admit that I've not done any python modules in C, however, my
> answer to that question would be python.
> 	If you can't extend python classes in C, you can at least create
> the glue work and write a thin python layer to implement the required
> python classes.
> 	It would probably be possible to create a driver developer kit
> including a skeleton framework in C which could be used to implement many
> drivers more easily.

i've looked at the code of 3 diferent drivers and they *so* different
that i think it would not be that much usefull to have such layer. and
having a common base in python then go from python to C to python just
to unify drivers is overkill. you just want a middle layer over the
drivers, imo.

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog@initd.org
              All programmers are optimists. -- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

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