Dario Lopez-Kästen
Mon, 3 Feb 2003 09:27:14 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Gailer" <ramrom@earthling.net>
> One goal of the project is to move the structuring of data and
> relationships out of the hands of a DBA and into the hands of someone who
> knows the model but not necessarily the underlying DBMS.
hm... being a bit of both sides (though mostly on the non-dba side), I have
to say that this is not necesarily a good thing. On the contrary, it can be
quite disastrous for performance and amount of load on the database.
The best thing in my experience is to either make sure that the designers
thoroughly (sp?) understand about the implications on the DBA side of their
design decisions, or to have co-operation from both sides where the desginer
experesses his/her wishes and the DBA suggests ways of implementing that in
ways that still will make the database behave properly. evebn better if you
could have a combination of both.
Just my 2 öre worth.