[DB-SIG] Re: [Python-Dev] database APIs
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 21:45:51 +0000
On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 01:04:11PM -0500, Kevin Jacobs wrote:
> > okay, so... the classes HC, TC and IC specify formatting,
> > and are applied to each of the data rows?
> They are applied to each cell, and can perform arbitrary functions like
> adding CSS classes, converting to localized formats, etc.
> > step 1, get data:
> > ----------------
> >
> > i went for a less object-orientated approach (no table class)
> > and i also combined the header and database field names into
> > tuples.
> >
> > the reason for this is simply that i find generating new reports
> > to be much simpler: cut/paste one line from one report to the
> > next and you get the database field, heading name and display
> > function all at once.
> Many of our reports require formatting, rollups, data dependent logic, URL
> embedding, etc.
url embedding i do as a value-specific formatting function.
if the function has three arguments the _entire_ dictionary
(of cur.fetchone()) is passed to it as arg1; the field name as arg2;
and for good luck str(thevalue) i don't know why i did this arg3!
there is _one_ instance where i had to do something weird:
transposition of an entire table.
that _was_ a pain and i created a class with a fetchone()
function on it.
it was for VAT pricing / totals.
the two lists were Quantity and Cost.
> > the approach above that you have taken you would need to
> > cut/paste in three or more separate places, running the risk
> > of not putting the right header name with the field.
> The table renderer makes sure that your formats match your data, so it is
> easy to detect problems like that.
hmmmm :) easy to detect problem. hmmm.
easier to avoid problem in first place, neh?
> In practice, we have hundreds of reports
> and never have a problem with keeping track of fields.
once written,
> We also have reports
> that have very complex multi-line headers with spans and text labels that do
> not match 1:1 with the data. We also have reports that have many different
> row formats intermixed within them.
yeh, it hadn't occurred to me that anyone would want to use
radically different row formats.
i _did_ put in some code that would allow me to format the ENTIRE
<td /> entry thereby making it possible to set the colspan, etc.
i guess... *thinks*...
if i split display_table() down into its basic components...
> > step 2, display data:
> > --------------------
> >
> > this is where i lose some of the flexibility that you have,
> > in creating tables. i have to say that i _did_ consider doing
> > classes (like you have already) but i wanted to strip out
> > ALL evidence of HTML from the application so that it becomeso
> > possible to do GUI and curses stuff.
> You didn't see any HTML in our version, did you?
true .... except in the name :)
> We have a wxWindows and
> ReportLab renderers that work very well. The only tricky part was
> imlementing our own engine to apply CSS stylesheets for each backend.
oo, sounds really good!
> > The Plan is to place in a template (xml, sql, object, whatever):
> >
> > - a list of the field names etc.
> > - a list of the optional function names
> > (or is it reasonable to instead have a class which is
> > expected to have display_fieldname_in_html()?
> > - the descriptive heading.
> > - specifications on what to do with the data, how to display it.
> >
> > clearly if you want to do GTK or other GUI applications you use a
> > different template, it specifies do-other-base-class-to-display,
> > etc.
> Again, this presupposes that you have:
> 1) Tables with a single, simple header row
ah, not necessarily... double-checking...
yep, you're right: the custom/html.py display_table_header()
function does a single header row - not necessarily simple,
but definitely single.
> 2) All rows are formatted homogeneously
again, like i said: the formatting function could output
a <td colspan="N">, i do have that possibility covered.
> 3) No rollups, subtotals, or any other forms of aggregation or delimiters.
> 4) No non-trivially data-dependent formats
that _can_ be covered by:
- pre-processing the data and returning an alternative object
on which fetchone() can be called to return its data row by row.
- passing in a different display_row_fn
- doing a separate table for each different data set, with
row-headers switched off.
one thing i haven't mentioned is that quite often i do a row
where the value display function does yet another database query,
so the <td /> entry is actually another table (yes i _do_ know
how long netscape / mozilla takes to display tables-in-tables).
or an <option selected="" /> set on a per-row basis.
> ;)
> I'm not trying to change your mind, but our clients need all of the above
> (and more!).
i understand: i'm trying to get you to convince me to
chuck some demand-driven code where the original demands
weren't so demanding [as your clients]
... i know what's bothering me.
the number of lines of code to do reports.
the less lines the better, esp. with 16 report generation
functions for stock control; 10 report functions in the
product selection page.
so -
help me out here: save me some work.
i'll send you a patch to SQLobject to do INSERT ... SELECT :)
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