[DB-SIG] Re: limit with msaccess

William Dode wilk-ml@flibuste.net
10 Feb 2003 14:46:52 +0100

Gerhard H=E4ring <gerhard.haering@opus-gmbh.net> writes:

> William Dode <wilk-ml@flibuste.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >=20
> > I know i'm a little bit off topic, but i think we are a lot here to try
> > to be compatible with a lot of databases...
> > So, i search how to do limit begin,end with msaccess, using a sql query
> > (not ado).
> You mean the SQL 'LIMIT' keyword? Or transactions (BEGIN ... END)?

the limit keyword, like in mysql: select * from table LIMIT 10,30

with msaccess i know only: select TOP 30 * from table but it start
everytime from the begin...

William Dod=E9 - http://flibuste.net