[DB-SIG] Re: DCOracle2 Installation Issues on Linux Redhat 7.4

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:17:21 +0100

Oliver Vecernik wrote:
> Oliver Vecernik schrieb:
>> Kirby Lester schrieb:
>>> Hello All,
>>>   Please be patient with me, as I am new to python and especially new 
>>> to DCOracle2.  I currently have a sympathetic sys admin helping me 
>>> and he has installed DCOracle to the python 2.1 directory.  When I 
>>> try to import DCOracle using either a script or the interactive 
>>> prompt, I get the following error "ImportError: No module named 
>>> DateTime". 
> You may also need to add:
> http://www.lemburg.com/files/python/mxDateTime.html

That would be good news, but I'm afraid the DateTime module
is the one from Zope and not mxDateTime.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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