[DB-SIG] spec: named parameters: clarification needed
Anthony Tuininga
18 Feb 2003 10:05:31 -0700
If your code is written in C (like cx_Oracle is) then this issue doesn't
exist. :-) If you have a wrapper in Python, then certainly, this is a
problem, but a list of parameter names to avoid would certainly work.
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 09:44, Nathan Clegg wrote:
> [Harald Meland]
> > You *can* have it both ways, you know:
> > def execute(self, statement, params=(), **kws):
> > if kws and not params:
> > self.execute(statement, kws)
> > ...
> Unless, of course, you have keyword parameters named "statement" or
> "params" (or "self"!!). Should the average user of your driver be
> aware of its implementation or be given a list of parameter names they
> may not use?
> --
> Nathan Clegg
> GeerBox
> nathan@geerbox.com
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Anthony Tuininga
Distinctive Software. Real People.
Suite 200, 10216 - 124 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, Canada T5N 4A3
Phone: (780) 454-3700
Fax: (780) 454-3838