[DB-SIG] Transaction API (was: Toward DB API 3.0)
Daniel Dittmar
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:05:49 +0100
Kevin Jacobs wrote:
> Currently, DB-API 2.0 loosely defines transactions at the level of a
> connection. However, many drivers provide extensions that allow multiple
> (distinct, nested, or both) transactions to exist on a given connection.
> Maybe it is time for a next generation DB-API to better formalize the
> transactional scope of a connection.
How about describing these features on the wiki page. Other could then
fill in what features are supported by what database. This should show
which features are common enough to warrant a standard API. And it could
provide a meeting ground such that the same feature is accessed the same
way in different drivers, even if it's not required for a driver.
Daniel Dittmar
Daniel Dittmar
SAP DB, SAP Labs Berlin