[DB-SIG] Towards a single parameter style

Federico Di Gregorio fog@initd.org
25 Feb 2003 16:58:28 +0100

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Il lun, 2003-02-24 alle 20:47, Anthony Tuininga ha scritto:

> Perhaps this example would be better?

no, because if the driver implementes the prepping internally you
actually will write less code, but..

> possible by so doing and I don't have to continue to keep track of the
> SQL in every place that execute() is called which is what is necessary
> to be strictly compliant with the DB API. Such is life. :-(

this is an argument i agree on, even if i don't like to see
.execute(None) statements too far from the corresponding .prepare(). i
still think most of the drivers will implement .prepare() as a no-op,
but it *can* add a little clarity to some code.

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog@initd.org
  Gli avvoltoi cinesi si nutrono di arte, ma possono anche mangiare
   i `domani'.                                        -- Haruki Murakami

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