[DB-SIG] API suggestion: expose 'quote' method

Chris Cogdon chris at cogdon.org
Tue Jun 3 12:50:07 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, Jun 3, 2003, at 11:33 US/Pacific, Kevin Jacobs wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Chris Cogdon wrote:
>> I'm suggesting that we make this part of the API (2.1, perhaps) so 
>> that
>> there's something there my application can depend on. I believe it's 
>> an
>> important part of dealing with the DMBS, and should be part of the
>> specs/requirements.
> Why not implement it yourself for your own application?

Because, the quoting requirements will differ from DMBS to DMBS. 
Putting it into the application will unnecessarily tie the application 
to the DMBS.

>   Implementing
> generic quoting properly often requires that a fair amount of 
> type-metadata
> is available.  It is more the job of a object/relational mapper than a
> low-level DB-API driver, although a DB-API driver can do it with some 
> help
> from the backend.  Please do not be mislead by some of the simplistic 
> (and
> wrong) implementations that you may find laying around.

The API is responsible for knowing the requirements of the DMBS. That's 
what it's *FOR* :)

    ("`-/")_.-'"``-._        Chris Cogdon <chris at cogdon.org>
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