[DB-SIG] qmark to %s converter
Magnus Lyckå
magnus at thinkware.se
Fri May 16 14:57:45 EDT 2003
I think this code could be used to support qmark format on
platforms that support format today. If we want to support
*both* %s and ?, we either need to "autodetect" this, or to
be able to tell the driver what to use. I haven't done that.
Anyway, this is a start, and it works with the SQL statements
I tried. Please try to break it. If it doesn't break, please
use it! :)
It would be great if we could make one paramstyle work with all
#This code converts stuff like "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE X > ?" to
#"SELECT * FROM %s WHERE X > %s". It should be fairly simple to
#make the same thing for :this, :that.
# Magnus Lyckå, 2003-05-16
import re
#Cache parsed statements using
#"statements.setdefault(sql, parseQmark(sql))"
#to save time for repeated calls.
statements = {}
def parseQmark(sql):
'''parseQmark(sql_with_?) -> sql_with_%s
Parse SQL written with qmark parameter style (i.e. Direct SQL
or SQL CLI style) so that the python %-operator can be used to
pass in parameters. This means that % needs to be changed to %%,
and ? needs to be changed to %s if it's not inside quotes.
sql = sql.replace('%', '%%')
#The tricky part is to separate stuff inside quotes from stuff
#outside quotes. This is done with a regular expression. We get a
#list of tuples with [(not quoted, quoted), (not quoted, quoted)...].
#The present re only works if the string ends with ' though, so
#we'll append '' and remove it before we return the final string.
quote_separation = re.compile(r"(.*?)('.*?')", re.DOTALL)
notQuoted_quoted = quote_separation.findall(sql+"''")
replaced = [nq.replace('?', '%s')+q for (nq, q) in notQuoted_quoted]
return "".join(replaced)[:-2] # remove extra ''
# Borrowed from sqlite and patched to allow %f etc (which isn't really
# needed if we use ?, since it'll be %s then anyway... :)
def _quote(value):
"""_quote(value) -> string
This function transforms the Python value into a string suitable to
send to
the SQLite database in a SQL statement. This function is automatically
applied to all parameters sent with an execute() call. Because of this a
SQL statement string in an execute() call should only use '%s' [or
'%(name)s'] for variable substitution without any quoting."""
if value is None:
return 'NULL'
elif isinstance(value, str):
return "'%s'" % value.replace("'", "''")
elif type(value) in [long, int, float]:
return value
elif hasattr(value, '_quote'):
return value._quote()
# Never mind dates right now...
## elif have_datetime and type(value) in \
## (DateTime.DateTimeType, DateTime.DateTimeDeltaType):
## return "'%s'" % value
return repr(value)
def execute(sql, params):
sql = statements.setdefault(sql, parseQmark(sql))
print sql % tuple(map(_quote, params))
testdata = [
("select * from x where i = ? and s = ?",
(5, "Aren't you done?")),
("""insert into x
(i, f, s) values (?, ?, ?)""",
(42L, 3.14, 'Hello')),
("""SELECT 'It''s'||col2 FROM ?
WHERE ? LIKE '%aren''t they cute?%'
AND x = ?""",
('table1', 'col1', 5)),
("""SELECT 'It''s'||col2 FROM ?
WHERE ? = 'aren''t they cute?'
AND x = '?'""",
('table1', 'col1'))
for sql, params in testdata:
execute(sql, params)
Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus at thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The shortest path from thought to working program
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