[DB-SIG] kinterbas db column type

David Rushby davidrushby at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 26 15:05:34 EST 2003

--- Uwe Grauer <mailinglists at onlinehome.de> wrote:
> I know .description, but my question is specific to the kinterbasedb
> module.
> It's different from other modules cause it does a implicit type
> conversion to the Python-types.
> So for a DATETIME-column in mysql you get a type_code 12 (which is
> indeed DATETIME in MySQLdb) but in kinterbasdb you get  t_tuple. This
> does not help me very much since the information i need is different
> from what i get.

This is a known problem in 3.1_pre6 and earlier.  It's fixed in the CVS
version, which I plan to release soon as 3.1_pre7.  Here's the relevant
SF bug report:

If you're not compiler- or CVS- constrained, use the CVS version right
now; it's quite stable.

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