[DB-SIG] Type code mappings: expanding the type objects

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Jan 8 08:06:20 EST 2004

Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
> Il gio, 2004-01-08 alle 12:54, M.-A. Lemburg ha scritto:
> [snip]
>>Add fields to .description is problematic. Applications tend
>>to use tuple unpacking to access the tuples in that list and
>>adding fields would break this.
> mm.. you're right. but encoding information is something that i would
> like to see in DBAPI 2.1 or 3.0.

Depends on what you mean with "encoding information" :-)

Typically you have a database encoding that the database uses
to store text data. The encoding then applies to all data and
thus all columns in the result set, so you would put such
information on the connection as .encoding attribute.

Then again, databases may not make it easy for the interface
to tell which encoding it uses, so you will probably also
make that setting writeable (this is what mxODBC 2.1 does).

> btw, are we talking about 2.1 or 3.0? in my head the "more types"
> discussion is 2.1 but if we add all the other stuff related to types i
> think we go a great deal toward 3.0. i ask because i think we can't have
> any incompatible changes in 2.1 but maybe a little backward
> incompatibility in 2.0->3.0 would not be that bad.

I think we should focus on 2.1 first and perhaps add notes
on what could happen in 3.0.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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