[DB-SIG] Table Oriented Programming

Denis S. Otkidach ods at strana.ru
Sat Jan 29 15:04:38 CET 2005

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 13:21:14 +0100
Federico Di Gregorio <fog at initd.org> wrote:

> Il giorno ven, 28-01-2005 alle 15:11 -0600, Ian Bicking ha scritto:
> > It doesn't use bound parameters like ?, instead it does all the SQL 
> > generation itself including quotation.  So it has to know what
> > database you are using to actually create the SQL, like "mysql",
> > "postgresql", etc.
> This is.. er.. "horrible". PostgreSQL supports a *lot* of different
> types and the only way to support them all is to let the driver do the
> quoting (possibly with the user adding its own quoting rules, see
> PEP-246 adapt() in psycopg 2). I suppose your driver is not quoting
> PostGis or or even simple geometrical types mapped to Python
> instances, right?

AFAIK, Oleg Broytmann is working on changing SQLObject to use bound
parameters.  But there is a lot of work and probably compatibility
issues.  Anyway, builder must know database adapter to use appropriate

Denis S. Otkidach
http://www.python.ru/      [ru]

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