[DB-SIG] [OT] ADO database connection seems to be closing

Marcos Sánchez Provencio marcos at burke.ath.cx
Thu Mar 3 18:35:26 CET 2005

You are using ADO to access SQL using an ODBC bridge, ¿is this what you
really want? You may access SQL Server without the ODBC bridge.

"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;User


"Driver={SQL Server};Server=Aron1;Database=pubs;Uid=sa;Pwd=asdasd;"

[from www.connectrionstrings.com]

It is probably faster, although I have no empirical experience.

El jue, 03-03-2005 a las 11:22 -0500, Chris Curvey escribió:
> I'm trying to get to an MS-SQL datbase via the win32com.client library 
> and the ADO library, but I seem to lose the context of the connection 
> whenever I execute a statement.  For example, the first "assert" below 
> is OK, but the second one is not.  I'm also losing the value of @@identity.
> Is this a known issue?  I was hoping for a DB-API 2.0 interface to 
> MS-SQL, but I can't get my clients to pay for an mxODBC license.
> import unittest
> from win32com.client import Dispatch
> class TransactionTest(unittest.TestCase):
>     def testConnection(self):
> 	conn = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')
> 	conn.Open("Driver={SQL
> Server};Server=mxdev;UID=chris_dev;PWD=chris;DATABASE=tempdb")
> 	# start a transaction 
> 	conn.execute("begin tran")
> 	result = conn.execute("select @@trancount")
> 	while not result.EOF:
> 	    # this test passes
> 	    assert result.Fields.Item(0).Value == 1
> 	    result.MoveNext()
> 	result = conn.execute("select @@trancount")
> 	while not result.EOF:
> 	    #this test fails
> 	    assert result.Fields.Item(0).Value == 1
> 	    result.MoveNext()
> ########################################################################
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     unittest.main()
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