[DB-SIG] xdb-xbase bindings for python

David Rushby davidrushby at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 21:28:27 CET 2005

--- jim <jlh at yvn.com> wrote:
> I have bindings for the xbase-2.0.0 c++ library with the sip files
> and a python wrapper module.
> I would be willing to share if there is any interest.

I'm interested, although I won't be able to devote any time to that
interest for several months, so don't expect immediate feedback from

I suggest that you either:
  a) (preferably) establish a SourceForge project
  b) put a tarball link on a web page

Based on personal experience, I advise you not to get too hung up
initially on issues such as whether the module builds out of the box on
36 platforms and whether it covers every last corner of the underlying
C++ library.  Those issues can be ironed out in due time.

With regard to early documentation, it'd be helpful to explain how the
module compares to other python-xbase modules and what your ultimate
goals are.  This'll help programmers who are browsing for a "Python
xbase module" to decide whether yours is worth investing time in.

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