[DB-SIG] Query fields Metadata

Carsten Haese carsten at uniqsys.com
Thu Oct 27 21:55:35 CEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 15:45, Luiz Carlos Geron wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am searching for a way to obtain the type of the fields in a query,
> like in Java rs.metadata property. Is there a way to do this with
> python db modules, such as kinterbasdb? Or it is only possible under
> Jython?

That depends on the type of metadata you're looking for. If the module
is DB-API compliant, the cursor's ".description" attribute will give you
at least the column name and type. Depending on the database module, you
may get more information than that.


Carsten Haese.

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