[DB-SIG] Cursor.description when Cursor.rowcount == 0

Art Protin aprotin at research.att.com
Fri Nov 10 17:35:09 CET 2006

Dear folks,
    On testing and documenting my implementation of the V2 DB API Spec, 
I am bothered
by my (limited) understanding of what the spec says for the behavior of 
Cursor.description .
Clearly when a query (or rather an SQL statement) does not produce a 
result, .description should be None.  However, not producing a result is 
not the same as producing a table of
zero rows by one or more columns.  (This is like the distinction between 
the two comparisons
                    "" == False
                   "" is False
, the empty string has the same 'value' as False while remaining distinct.)
         I do not know that this will ever make a difference to my users 
but I am expected
to be precise in my implementation.  Is it the general understanding 
that .description
will return None whenever the result set has no rows?

    Thank you all,
    Arthur Protin

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