[DB-SIG] Extending DB-API

Mario Frasca mfrasca at zonnet.nl
Fri Nov 24 09:10:47 CET 2006

On 2006-1123 20:05:55, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> You have not read carefully enough:
>   The logger used (while not the Python logger) has had the same
>   behaviour -- it discarded messages based on the log level.
>   *BUT* the quadadric runtime went into determining the
>   parameters for the logging call -- spent before the logger
>   could discard the entry.

you're right, I didn't read it carefully enough...
well, a programmer knowing he's not in a lazy environment should take
care of such issues, don't you think so?

> When I read this I get the impression that this were difficult.
> But, it fact, it is trivial.

((well, it's more work than no work at all))

> Here is a wrapper, we use to provide standard handling of [...]

thanks, I'll surely follow the hint.  I like reading interesting code.


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