[DB-SIG] Controlling return types, again

Carsten Haese carsten at uniqsys.com
Sat May 19 19:55:41 CEST 2007

In general, I think that we shouldn't expose/impose such a
low-level interface for type mapping. These details should be
left to the module author and the user shouldn't have bother
with them.

For the common cases, the user won't have to bother with the low-level
details. The module author will provide standard maps for the common use
cases, and they're free to provide a library of nonstandard maps for
"uncommon" use cases specific to their particular database, too.

In my opinion, making the low-level details available is the only thing
that *guarantees* that the application developer can use this mapping
facility for *any* use case they can think of. If we try to hide the
low-level details, we might take away a crucial feature the application
developer needs to get their job done.

Instead, we should try to find an API with simple methods like
e.g. .setinputconverter(), .setoutputconverter() to let the user
define new mappings.

The module can then use an implementation like the one you
described internally.

And how do you propose those simple methods are actually invoked so that
they cover all common use cases in a database independent way without
making them unusable for database-specific features?

What I like about the proposal is that it doesn't try to
overgeneralize things (a very common habit in Python design).

Interesting observation considering that I have tried to find the most
general solution to the problem at hand. That would mean that my
proposal is exactly as general as it needs to be ;)

A few comments on the bullets in your proposal and a sketch
of a slightly modified solution:

    *  Connection and cursor objects will have an attribute called outputmap that maps objects from the database to the
application and an attribute called inputmap that maps objects from the application to the database. Note that both
mappings are between Python objects. The Python objects on the database side are mapped from and to actual database
values by the canonical mapping.

See above. I think we should not expose these low level mapping
tables to the user.

Note that the database will typically have different ways of
defining the "column type code". Since we already expose this
type code in the cursor.description field, we should probably
use that as basis.

In any case, the type codes will be database specific. It won't
be possible to generically say: map integers to Python floats,
since "integers" may refer to a whole set of database types for
some backends or only to one type for others.

Right. Hence my proposal to use dictionary-like objects to perform the
adapter function lookup.

    * The default mappings are None for efficiency, which means that only the canonical mapping is in effect. The same
can be achieved by an empty dictionary, but it's faster to check for None that to check for an empty dictionary.

That's implementation detail and should not be exposed.

Well, it's an implementation *hint*. 

We could add .getinputconverter() and .getoutputconverter()
to query the currently active mappings in some way.

True, but unfortunately, "in some way" makes this suggestion uselessly

    * When a value is fetched from the database, if the value is not None, its column type (as it would be indicated in
cursor.description) is looked up in outputmap, and the resulting callable object is called upon to convert the fetched
value, as illustrated by this pseudo-code:

          converter = cursor.outputmap.get(dbtype, None)
          if converter is not None:
             fetched_value = converter(fetched_value)

There's a problem here: since fetching the database value from
the database will usually involve some more or less complicated
C binding code, you can't just pass the fetched_value to a
converter since this would mean that you already have a Python
object representing the value.

Right, and in this step, I do. This step happens after the
database-dependent canonical mapping, which is informally defined as
"Whatever the respective API module currently does."

Normally, a database interface will have a set of different
techniques by which a value is fetched from the database, e.g.
fetch a number value as integer, long, string, float, decimal.

To make full use of converters, we'll have to be able to tell
the database module: fetch this number type as e.g. decimal
using the internal fetch mechanisms (phase 1) and then call
this converter on the resulting value (phase 2).

Hope I'm clear enough on this. If not, please let me know.

Yes, you're perfectly clear, and my proposal already addresses this.
What you're calling phase 1 is what I call the canonical mapping, and I
am completely open to allowing database-dependent mechanisms for
"guiding" or "tweaking" the behavior of this phase 1 mapping. I am even
suggesting a way involving custom attributes on the adapter function.

quote = """
    * The mappings need not be actual mappings. They may be any object that implements __getitem__ and copy. This allows
specifying "batch" mappings that map many different types with the same callable object in a convenient fashion.

That again is an implementation detail. We should factor such
a type collection feature into the above methods.

I won't stop you from trying. Please feel free to suggest a concrete

My favorite would be to not set the converters per type and then
have a mapping, but to instead just have one function for
implementing phase 1 which then returns a converter function
to the database module to implement phase 2, e.g.

def mydecimalformat(value):
    return '%5.2f' % value

def outputconverter(cursor, position):
    dbtype = cursor.description[position][1]
    if dbtype == SQL.DECIMAL:
        # Fetch decimals as floats and call mydecimalformat on these
        return (SQL.DECIMAL, mydecimalformat)

Maybe I misunderstand, but doesn't this force every application
developer to reinvent the wheel? How would they influence the mappings
of two different types such as DECIMAL and CHAR except by writing one
output converter for each possible combination they need?

Also, I don't see how this helps in getting to a set of
database-independent solutions for common use cases.

    * For convenience, the module.connect() and connection.cursor() methods should accept outputmap and inputmap keyword
arguments that allow the application to specify non-default mappings at connection/cursor creation time.

Not sure about this: the type mapping setup should be explicitly done
after a proper connect. It may have to rely on the connection already
being established.

That's a good point. I agree.

    * When input binding is performed and the cursor's inputmap is not None, a converter function is looked up in the
inputmap according to the following pseudo-code:

          for tp in type(in_param).__mro__:
            converter = cursor.inputmap.get(tp, None)
            if converter is not None: break
          if converter is not None:
            in_param = converter(in_param)

This will cause a serious performance hit since you have to do
this for every single value fetched from the database. Just think
of a result set 20 columns and 10000 rows.

You'd have to run through the above for-loop 200000 times, even
though it's really only needed once per column (since the types
won't change within the result set).

The above two-phase approach avoids this.

I think you misunderstand. The code you're quoting is for input binding,
not for output binding. True, it would have to be done for every value
passed as a parameter, but most python objects that a database is likely
to see will have a rather short MRO, and the pseudocode is just a
suggestion. The cursor could memoize the results of the lookup in case
the same query gets executed again with input parameters of the same
types. (And of course, memoization could also be done in the lookup for
output adapters.)

Best regards,

Carsten Haese

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