[DB-SIG] Oracle+SQLA: Where are my tables?

John W. Shipman john at nmt.edu
Wed Nov 20 02:27:28 CET 2013

I'm using SQLAlchemy and cx_Oracle to explore a legacy Oracle
database.  When I use Oracle's sqldeveloper application, I can
see the tables and their contents just fine.

When I connect to it using SQLAlchemy, I can create the engine
with no problem, but after I call the .reflect() method on the
MetaData instance, its .sorted_tables list is empty.  If I
connect to a Postgres database and do the same thing, the
.sorted_tables list is as the documentation says it should be.

Any suggestions on how to find the tables?  A coworker says that
tables in Oracle are segregated into namespaces.  Is that my

I would greatly appreciate any assistance.

Best regards,
John Shipman, Web Developer, National Radio Astronomy Observatories;
john at nmt.edu, http://www.nmt.edu/~shipman/

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