[DB-SIG] PEP 249 implementation

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Oct 16 06:02:38 EDT 2018

Hi Tom,

there are already a number of standard DB-API compatible modules
for Sybase, DB2 and PostgreSQL which you can readily use.

Please check the python.org wiki for links:


Regarding donations to the PSF, please contact psf at python.org for

Many thanks.

Best Regards,
Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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On 11.10.2018 23:03, Cornell, Tom wrote:
> Hi,
> I was curious if there were any implementations of PEP 249 Python Database API v2.0  that I can use as a reference.  I'd like to try and implement it for the  DBMS we use here at work (Sybase, DB2, Postgres).  I will happily donate them to PSF, once cleared by my company.
> TC
> Tom Cornell, Vice President
> Morgan Stanley | Corporate & Funding Technology
> 750 Seventh Avenue, 20th Floor | New York, NY  10019
> Phone: +1 212 762-1619
> Tom.Cornell at morganstanley.com<mailto:Tom.Cornell at morganstanley.com>
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> Hi,
> I was curious if there were any implementations of PEP 249 Python
> Database API v2.0  that I can use as a reference.  I’d like to try and
> implement it for the  DBMS we use here at work (Sybase, DB2, Postgres). 
> I will happily donate them to PSF, once cleared by my company.
> TC
> Tom Cornell, Vice President   
> *Morgan Stanley | Corporate & Funding Technology   
> *750 Seventh Avenue, 20th Floor | New York, NY  10019   
> Phone: +1 212 762-1619   
> Tom.Cornell at morganstanley.com <mailto:Tom.Cornell at morganstanley.com>   
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> this email.    
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