[Distutils] Random bits

Michael Hudson mwh21@cam.ac.uk
Tue, 07 Dec 1999 17:10:52 +0000

Greg Ward <gward@cnri.reston.va.us> wrote on
  Tue, Dec 7, 1999, 4:26 pm
>[Michael again]
>> Would it be reasonable to have an "interactive" mode, or am I just being
>> silly again?
>Interesting notion.  Would this just be a shell for the Distutils
>commands, eg.
>   ./setup.py --interactive
>   > build
>   [...output of 'build' command...]
>   > install
>   [...output of 'install' command...]
>   > quit
>or did you have something else in mind?

More or less that; I was thinking of the script you get when you run CPAN
for the first time - where you get asked lots of questions about where
things are, and most of the time you just hit return a lot.

Something more like this in outline:

$ python setup.py --interactive
> install
* Installing some_dist...
** Building somedist
** Where do you want to build? 
[./build]> <return>
** output of build process
* Where do you want to install the pure Python modules?
[/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages]> ~/src/python<return>
* Where do you want to install extension modules?
[/home/mwh21/src/python]> <return>
* output of build process

as I said, I'm not particularly convinced this is to be desired; it can
certainly be added at a later date.
