[Distutils] Compiler abstractiom model
Greg Stein
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 14:14:10 -0800
Greg Ward wrote:
> The way I see Distutils being extended is by people writing new command
> classes. Let's say LLNL wants to distribute a Python module with a
> (shudder) FORTRAN back-end, and Distutils doesn't support FORTRAN.
> (Sorry, not a lot of call for it.) The general idea, which I have not
> fully thought through, is that you would write a "BuildFortran" class,
> and include it with your code -- right there in setup.py if it's not too
You can also save yourself a lot of time by building something that
seems reasonable and waiting for the feedback from people who need it
and/or feel it is important.
No sense in getting yourself all bound up and unmoving, just because
you're trying to solve a 5% case. Build something for the 95% case and
delegate the 5% to the people who care about it.
-Greg "Minimalist" Stein
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/