[Distutils] INSTALL file

Harry Henry Gebel hgebel@inet.net
Sat, 22 Apr 2000 20:09:00 -0400

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I thought some people might find a generic INSTALL file like the one
supplied with programs that use ./configure, here is one I prepared that
gives a few lines with the most-common-case installation instructions and
gives the complete ./setup.py help output.
Harry Henry Gebel, Senior Developer, Landon House SBS
West Dover Hundred, Delaware
PyNcurses: python binding for ncurses http://pyncurses.sourceforge.net

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Basic Installation

These are generic installation instructions.

The simplest way to compile this package is:

  1. `cd` to the directory containing the package's source code.

  2. Type `./setup.py build` to build the package.

  3. Type `su` to become the superuser

  4. Type `./setup.py install` to install the module.

  5. You can remove the compiled extension modules and other installation
     related files from the source code directory by typing
     `./setup clean --all clean`. 

Operation Controls

   The 'setup.py' script recognizes the following options to control how it

usage: ./setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
   or: ./setup.py --help
   or: ./setup.py --help-commands
   or: ./setup.py cmd --help

  --verbose (-v)  run verbosely (default)
  --quiet (-q)    run quietly (turns verbosity off)
  --dry-run (-n)  don't actually do anything
  --help (-h)     show help message
  --help-commands     list all available commands
  --name              print package name
  --version (-V)      print package version
  --fullname          print <package name>-<version>
  --author            print the author's name
  --author-email      print the author's email address
  --maintainer        print the maintainer's name
  --maintainer-email  print the maintainer's email address
  --contact           print the name of the maintainer if present, else author
  --contact-email     print the email of the maintainer if present, else
  --url               print the URL for this package
  --licence           print the licence of the package
  --license           alias for --licence
  --description       print the package description
  build        build everything needed to install
    --build-base (-b)  base directory for build library
    --build-purelib    build directory for platform-neutral distributions
    --build-platlib    build directory for platform-specific distributions
    --build-lib        build directory for all distribution (defaults to either
                       build-purelib or build-platlib
    --build-temp (-t)  temporary build directory
    --debug (-g)       compile extensions and libraries with debugging
    --force (-f)       forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps
  build_py     "build" pure Python modules (copy to build directory)
    --build-lib (-d)  directory to "build" (copy) to
    --force (-f)      forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps
  build_ext    build C/C++ extensions (compile/link to build directory)
    --build-lib (-b)     directory for compiled extension modules
    --build-temp (-t)    directory for temporary files (build by-products)
    --inplace (-i)       ignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the
    --include-dirs (-I)  list of directories to search for header files
    --define (-D)        C preprocessor macros to define
    --undef (-U)         C preprocessor macros to undefine
    --libraries (-l)     external C libraries to link with
    --library-dirs (-L)  directories to search for external C libraries
    --rpath (-R)         directories to search for shared C libraries at
    --link-objects (-O)  extra explicit link objects to include in the link
    --debug (-g)         compile/link with debugging information
    --force (-f)         forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps
  build_clib   build C/C++ libraries used by Python extensions
    --build-clib (-b)  directory to build C/C++ libraries to
    --build-temp (-t)  directory to put temporary build by-products
    --debug (-g)       compile with debugging information
    --force (-f)       forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps
  install      install everything from build directory
    --prefix            installation prefix
    --exec-prefix       (Unix only) prefix for platform-specific files
    --home              (Unix only) home directory to install under
    --install-base      base installation directory (instead of --prefix or --
    --install-platbase  base installation directory for platform-specific files
                        (instead of --exec-prefix or --home)
    --install-purelib   installation directory for pure Python module
    --install-platlib   installation directory for non-pure module
    --install-lib       installation directory for all module distributions
                        (overrides --install-purelib and --install-platlib)
    --install-scripts   installation directory for Python scripts
    --install-data      installation directory for data files
  install_lib  install pure Python modules
    --install-dir (-d)  directory to install to
    --build-dir (-b)    build directory (where to install from)
    --compile (-c)      compile .py to .pyc
    --optimize (-o)     compile .py to .pyo (optimized)
  clean        clean up output of 'build' command
    --build-base (-b)  base build directory (default: 'build.build-base')
    --build-lib        build directory for all modules (default: 'build.build-
    --build-temp (-t)  temporary build directory (default: 'build.build-temp')
    --all (-a)         remove all build output, not just temporary by-products
  sdist        create a source distribution (tarball, zip file, etc.)
    --template (-t)   name of manifest template file [default: MANIFEST.in]
    --manifest (-m)   name of manifest file [default: MANIFEST]
    --use-defaults    include the default file set in the manifest [default;
                      disable with --no-defaults]
    --manifest-only   just regenerate the manifest and then stop
    --force-manifest  forcibly regenerate the manifest and carry on as usual
    --formats         formats for source distribution (tar, ztar, gztar, or
    --keep-tree (-k)  keep the distribution tree around after creating archive
  bdist        create a built (binary) distribution
    --format (-f)  format for distribution (tar, ztar, gztar, zip)
  bdist_dumb   create a "dumb" built distribution
    --format (-f)     archive format to create (tar, ztar, gztar, zip)
    --keep-tree (-k)  keep the pseudo-installation tree around after creating
