[Distutils] Re: [Bug #113106] distutils' msvccompiler.py has small C++ defects

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Wed Aug 30 20:25:09 2000

On 30 August 2000, Alex Martelli said:
> from a brief experiment, the /GX switch seems to be OK with
> C sources too (probably no effect?).  For prudence, however,
> my approach had been to add it only when compiling C++
> sources -- that's easy too given the way the loop is set up
> now (there's already an if/else to set the /Tp or /TP switch
> for the sourcecode; I just added another variable, to be
> concatenated at the end, set to either [] or ['/GX']).  That's
> probably more prudence than actually needed here, I guess.

I'm checking in the easy-cheezy approach: use /GX when compiling anything.
If it doesn't work for C code, we'll find out soon enough.

Prudence, shmudence...
