[Distutils] Comments on Distutils-0.1.2 on Windows

Thomas Heller thomas.heller@ion-tof.com
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 16:57:16 +0100

Well, I finally got a chance to test distutils 0.1.2 under Windows.

1. There is no standard zip-utility under windows,
but zip.exe from info-zip works right out of the box.

I've fixed the source to use James C. Ahlstrom's zipfile.py
when zip.exe is not available (Should this always be used?)

class Dist (Command):
    def make_zipfile (self, base_dir):

        # This assumes the Unix 'zip' utility -- it could be easily recast
        # to use pkzip (or whatever the command-line zip creation utility
        # on Redmond's archaic CP/M knockoff is nowadays), but I'll let
        # someone who can actually test it do that.

            self.spawn (["zip", "-r", base_dir + ".zip", base_dir])
        except OSError:
            import zipfile
            z = zipfile.ZipFile (base_dir + ".zip", "wb",

            def visit (z, dirname, names):
             for name in names:
              path = os.path.join (dirname, name)
              if os.path.isfile (path):
               z.write (path, path)

            os.path.walk (base_dir, visit, z)

2. Libraries for VC++ are named python15.lib,
not libpython15.lib. I had to fix this in msvccompiler.py:

class MSVCCompiler (CCompiler):
    def library_filename (self, libname):
        """Return the static library filename corresponding to the
           specified library name."""
#        return "lib%s%s" %( libname, self._static_lib_ext )
        return "%s%s" %( libname, self._static_lib_ext )

    def shared_library_filename (self, libname):
        """Return the shared library filename corresponding to the
           specified library name."""
#        return "lib%s%s" %( libname, self._shared_lib_ext )
        return "%s%s" %( libname, self._shared_lib_ext )

3. os.link does not exist under windows, use shutil.copyfile
for that:

class Dist (Command):
    def make_release_tree (self, base_dir, files):
        self.announce ("making hard links in %s..." % base_dir)
        for file in files:
            dest = os.path.join (base_dir, file)
            if not os.path.exists (dest):
                    self.execute (os.link, (file, dest),
                                  "linking %s -> %s" % (file, dest))
                except AttributeError:
                    import shutil
                    self.execute (shutil.copyfile, (file, dest),
                                  "copying %s -> %s" % (file, dest))


Thomas Heller