[Distutils] Extract template processing from sdist.py

Rene Liebscher R.Liebscher@gmx.de
Sun, 23 Jul 2000 03:18:06 +0200

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Relating to Greg's answer to a similar topic,
> (26 Jun 2000) ... Even in a really complex case, where the
> manifest machinery would be useful, I think it would be better 
> just to expose it as one of the "utility classes" that Distutils 
> makes available to authors of setup scripts, ...
here is now a patch which extracts this template machinery
from sdist.py and puts it in new file template.py 

The sdist command uses then the Template class which
is provided by this new file.

It also possible for authors of setup scripts to use it.

> What's wrong with glob.glob()?
It only works in one directory, Template() uses also 
the subdirectories of the given directory. If you have
a non-flat directory structure, you had to use glob.glob()
in a recursive way to select your files.

kind regards

Rene Liebscher
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diff -BurN --minimal --exclude=*.pyc distutils.orig/distutils/command/sdist.py d.p2/distutils/command/sdist.py
--- distutils.orig/distutils/command/sdist.py	Wed Jul  5 05:06:46 2000
+++ d.p2/distutils/command/sdist.py	Tue Jul 18 12:33:29 2000
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
 __revision__ = "$Id: sdist.py,v 1.37 2000/07/05 03:06:46 gward Exp $"
-import sys, os, string, re
-import fnmatch
+import sys, os, string
 from types import *
 from glob import glob
 from distutils.core import Command
 from distutils.util import \
-     convert_path, create_tree, remove_tree, newer, write_file, \
+     create_tree, remove_tree, newer, write_file, \
 from distutils.text_file import TextFile
 from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, DistutilsOptionError
+from distutils.template import Template
 def show_formats ():
@@ -319,45 +319,6 @@
     # add_defaults ()
-    def search_dir (self, dir, pattern=None):
-        """Recursively find files under 'dir' matching 'pattern' (a string
-        containing a Unix-style glob pattern).  If 'pattern' is None, find
-        all files under 'dir'.  Return the list of found filenames.
-        """
-        allfiles = findall (dir)
-        if pattern is None:
-            return allfiles
-        pattern_re = translate_pattern (pattern)
-        files = []
-        for file in allfiles:
-            if pattern_re.match (os.path.basename (file)):
-                files.append (file)
-        return files
-    # search_dir ()
-    def recursive_exclude_pattern (self, dir, pattern=None):
-        """Remove filenames from 'self.files' that are under 'dir' and
-        whose basenames match 'pattern'.
-        """
-        self.debug_print("recursive_exclude_pattern: dir=%s, pattern=%s" %
-                         (dir, pattern))
-        if pattern is None:
-            pattern_re = None
-        else:
-            pattern_re = translate_pattern (pattern)
-        for i in range (len (self.files)-1, -1, -1):
-            (cur_dir, cur_base) = os.path.split (self.files[i])
-            if (cur_dir == dir and
-                (pattern_re is None or pattern_re.match (cur_base))):
-                self.debug_print("removing %s" % self.files[i])
-                del self.files[i]
     def read_template (self):
         """Read and parse the manifest template file named by
         'self.template' (usually "MANIFEST.in").  Process all file
@@ -376,7 +337,10 @@
-        all_files = findall ()
+        # if we give Template() a list, it modifies this list
+        files_template = Template(files=self.files,
+                                  warn=self.warn,
+                                  debug_print=self.debug_print)
         while 1:
@@ -384,142 +348,7 @@
             if line is None:            # end of file
-            words = string.split (line)
-            action = words[0]
-            # First, check that the right number of words are present
-            # for the given action (which is the first word)
-            if action in ('include','exclude',
-                          'global-include','global-exclude'):
-                if len (words) < 2:
-                    template.warn \
-                        ("invalid manifest template line: " +
-                         "'%s' expects <pattern1> <pattern2> ..." %
-                         action)
-                    continue
-                pattern_list = map(convert_path, words[1:])
-            elif action in ('recursive-include','recursive-exclude'):
-                if len (words) < 3:
-                    template.warn \
-                        ("invalid manifest template line: " +
-                         "'%s' expects <dir> <pattern1> <pattern2> ..." %
-                         action)
-                    continue
-                dir = convert_path(words[1])
-                pattern_list = map (convert_path, words[2:])
-            elif action in ('graft','prune'):
-                if len (words) != 2:
-                    template.warn \
-                        ("invalid manifest template line: " +
-                         "'%s' expects a single <dir_pattern>" %
-                         action)
-                    continue
-                dir_pattern = convert_path (words[1])
-            else:
-                template.warn ("invalid manifest template line: " +
-                               "unknown action '%s'" % action)
-                continue
-            # OK, now we know that the action is valid and we have the
-            # right number of words on the line for that action -- so we
-            # can proceed with minimal error-checking.  Also, we have
-            # defined either (pattern), (dir and pattern), or
-            # (dir_pattern) -- so we don't have to spend any time
-            # digging stuff up out of 'words'.
-            if action == 'include':
-                self.debug_print("include " + string.join(pattern_list))
-                for pattern in pattern_list:
-                    files = self.select_pattern (all_files, pattern, anchor=1)
-                    if not files:
-                        template.warn ("no files found matching '%s'" %
-                                       pattern)
-                    else:
-                        self.files.extend (files)
-            elif action == 'exclude':
-                self.debug_print("exclude " + string.join(pattern_list))
-                for pattern in pattern_list:
-                    num = self.exclude_pattern (self.files, pattern, anchor=1)
-                    if num == 0:
-                        template.warn (
-                            "no previously-included files found matching '%s'"%
-                            pattern)
-            elif action == 'global-include':
-                self.debug_print("global-include " + string.join(pattern_list))
-                for pattern in pattern_list:
-                    files = self.select_pattern (all_files, pattern, anchor=0)
-                    if not files:
-                        template.warn (("no files found matching '%s' " +
-                                        "anywhere in distribution") %
-                                       pattern)
-                    else:
-                        self.files.extend (files)
-            elif action == 'global-exclude':
-                self.debug_print("global-exclude " + string.join(pattern_list))
-                for pattern in pattern_list:
-                    num = self.exclude_pattern (self.files, pattern, anchor=0)
-                    if num == 0:
-                        template.warn \
-                            (("no previously-included files matching '%s' " +
-                              "found anywhere in distribution") %
-                             pattern)
-            elif action == 'recursive-include':
-                self.debug_print("recursive-include %s %s" %
-                                 (dir, string.join(pattern_list)))
-                for pattern in pattern_list:
-                    files = self.select_pattern (
-                        all_files, pattern, prefix=dir)
-                    if not files:
-                        template.warn (("no files found matching '%s' " +
-                                        "under directory '%s'") %
-                                       (pattern, dir))
-                    else:
-                        self.files.extend (files)
-            elif action == 'recursive-exclude':
-                self.debug_print("recursive-exclude %s %s" %
-                                 (dir, string.join(pattern_list)))
-                for pattern in pattern_list:
-                    num = self.exclude_pattern(
-                        self.files, pattern, prefix=dir)
-                    if num == 0:
-                        template.warn \
-                            (("no previously-included files matching '%s' " +
-                              "found under directory '%s'") %
-                             (pattern, dir))
-            elif action == 'graft':
-                self.debug_print("graft " + dir_pattern)
-                files = self.select_pattern(
-                    all_files, None, prefix=dir_pattern)
-                if not files:
-                    template.warn ("no directories found matching '%s'" %
-                                   dir_pattern)
-                else:
-                    self.files.extend (files)
-            elif action == 'prune':
-                self.debug_print("prune " + dir_pattern)
-                num = self.exclude_pattern(
-                    self.files, None, prefix=dir_pattern)
-                if num == 0:
-                    template.warn \
-                        (("no previously-included directories found " +
-                          "matching '%s'") %
-                         dir_pattern)
-            else:
-                raise RuntimeError, \
-                      "this cannot happen: invalid action '%s'" % action
+            files_template.process_line(line)
         # while loop over lines of template file
@@ -536,65 +365,14 @@
         build = self.get_finalized_command('build')
         base_dir = self.distribution.get_fullname()
-        self.exclude_pattern (self.files, None, prefix=build.build_base)
-        self.exclude_pattern (self.files, None, prefix=base_dir)
-        self.exclude_pattern (self.files, r'/(RCS|CVS)/.*', is_regex=1)
-    def select_pattern (self, files, pattern,
-                        anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0):
-        """Select strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match
-        'pattern', a Unix-style wildcard (glob) pattern.  Patterns are not
-        quite the same as implemented by the 'fnmatch' module: '*' and '?'
-        match non-special characters, where "special" is platform-dependent:
-        slash on Unix, colon, slash, and backslash on DOS/Windows, and colon on
-        Mac OS.
-        If 'anchor' is true (the default), then the pattern match is more
-        stringent: "*.py" will match "foo.py" but not "foo/bar.py".  If
-        'anchor' is false, both of these will match.
-        If 'prefix' is supplied, then only filenames starting with 'prefix'
-        (itself a pattern) and ending with 'pattern', with anything in between
-        them, will match.  'anchor' is ignored in this case.
-        If 'is_regex' is true, 'anchor' and 'prefix' are ignored, and
-        'pattern' is assumed to be either a string containing a regex or a
-        regex object -- no translation is done, the regex is just compiled
-        and used as-is.
-        Return the list of matching strings, possibly empty.
-        """
-        matches = []
-        pattern_re = translate_pattern (pattern, anchor, prefix, is_regex)
-        self.debug_print("select_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" %
-                         pattern_re.pattern)
-        for name in files:
-            if pattern_re.search (name):
-                matches.append (name)
-                self.debug_print(" adding " + name)
-        return matches
-    # select_pattern ()
-    def exclude_pattern (self, files, pattern,
-                         anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0):
-        """Remove strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match
-        'pattern'.  Other parameters are the same as for
-        'select_pattern()', above.  The list 'files' is modified in place.
-        """
-        pattern_re = translate_pattern (pattern, anchor, prefix, is_regex)
-        self.debug_print("exclude_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" %
-                         pattern_re.pattern)
-        for i in range (len(files)-1, -1, -1):
-            if pattern_re.search (files[i]):
-                self.debug_print(" removing " + files[i])
-                del files[i]
-    # exclude_pattern ()
+        # if we give Template() a list, it modifies this list
+        files_template = Template(files=self.files,
+                                  warn=self.warn,
+                                  debug_print=self.debug_print)
+        files_template.exclude_pattern (None, prefix=build.build_base)
+        files_template.exclude_pattern (None, prefix=base_dir)
+        files_template.exclude_pattern (r'/(RCS|CVS)/.*', is_regex=1)
     def write_manifest (self):
@@ -696,88 +474,3 @@
         return self.archive_files
 # class sdist
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Utility functions
-def findall (dir = os.curdir):
-    """Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames
-    (relative to 'dir').
-    """
-    from stat import ST_MODE, S_ISREG, S_ISDIR, S_ISLNK
-    list = []
-    stack = [dir]
-    pop = stack.pop
-    push = stack.append
-    while stack:
-        dir = pop()
-        names = os.listdir (dir)
-        for name in names:
-            if dir != os.curdir:        # avoid the dreaded "./" syndrome
-                fullname = os.path.join (dir, name)
-            else:
-                fullname = name
-            # Avoid excess stat calls -- just one will do, thank you!
-            stat = os.stat(fullname)
-            mode = stat[ST_MODE]
-            if S_ISREG(mode):
-                list.append (fullname)
-            elif S_ISDIR(mode) and not S_ISLNK(mode):
-                push (fullname)
-    return list
-def glob_to_re (pattern):
-    """Translate a shell-like glob pattern to a regular expression; return
-    a string containing the regex.  Differs from 'fnmatch.translate()' in
-    that '*' does not match "special characters" (which are
-    platform-specific).
-    """
-    pattern_re = fnmatch.translate (pattern)
-    # '?' and '*' in the glob pattern become '.' and '.*' in the RE, which
-    # IMHO is wrong -- '?' and '*' aren't supposed to match slash in Unix,
-    # and by extension they shouldn't match such "special characters" under
-    # any OS.  So change all non-escaped dots in the RE to match any
-    # character except the special characters.
-    # XXX currently the "special characters" are just slash -- i.e. this is
-    # Unix-only.
-    pattern_re = re.sub (r'(^|[^\\])\.', r'\1[^/]', pattern_re)
-    return pattern_re
-# glob_to_re ()
-def translate_pattern (pattern, anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0):
-    """Translate a shell-like wildcard pattern to a compiled regular
-    expression.  Return the compiled regex.  If 'is_regex' true,
-    then 'pattern' is directly compiled to a regex (if it's a string)
-    or just returned as-is (assumes it's a regex object).
-    """
-    if is_regex:
-        if type(pattern) is StringType:
-            return re.compile(pattern)
-        else:
-            return pattern
-    if pattern:
-        pattern_re = glob_to_re (pattern)
-    else:
-        pattern_re = ''
-    if prefix is not None:
-        prefix_re = (glob_to_re (prefix))[0:-1] # ditch trailing $
-        pattern_re = "^" + os.path.join (prefix_re, ".*" + pattern_re)
-    else:                               # no prefix -- respect anchor flag
-        if anchor:
-            pattern_re = "^" + pattern_re
-    return re.compile (pattern_re)
-# translate_pattern ()
diff -BurN --minimal --exclude=*.pyc distutils.orig/distutils/template.py d.p2/distutils/template.py
--- distutils.orig/distutils/template.py	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ d.p2/distutils/template.py	Tue Jul 18 12:40:11 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+   Provides a template class which implements a file selecting
+   mechanism as used in MANIFEST.in 
+# created 2000/07/17, Rene Liebscher
+# most parts taken from commands/sdist.py
+__revision__ = "$Id: template.py $"
+import sys, os, string, re
+import fnmatch
+from types import *
+from glob import glob
+from distutils.util import convert_path
+class Template:
+    files = None # reference to files list to mainpulate
+    allfiles = None # list of all files, if None will be filled
+                    # at first use from directory self.dir
+    dir = None # directory from which files will be taken
+               # to fill self.allfiles if it was not set otherwise
+    # next both functions (callable objects) can be set by the user
+    # warn: warning function
+    # debug_print: debug function  
+    def __init__(self, 
+                 files=[], 
+                 dir=os.curdir, 
+                 allfiles=None, 
+                 warn=None, 
+                 debug_print=None):
+        # use standard warning and debug functions, if no other given
+        if warn is None: warn = self.__warn 
+        if debug_print is None: debug_print = self.__debug_print
+        self.warn = warn
+        self.debug_print = debug_print
+        self.files = files
+        self.dir = dir
+        self.allfiles = allfiles 
+             # if None, it will be filled, when used for first time
+    # standard warning and debug functions, if no other given
+    def __warn (self, msg):
+        sys.stderr.write ("warning: template: %s\n" % msg)
+    def __debug_print (self, msg):
+        """Print 'msg' to stdout if the global DEBUG (taken from the
+        DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable) flag is true.
+        """
+        from distutils.core import DEBUG
+        if DEBUG:
+            print msg
+    def process_line(self, line):    
+            words = string.split (line)
+            action = words[0]
+            # First, check that the right number of words are present
+            # for the given action (which is the first word)
+            if action in ('include','exclude',
+                          'global-include','global-exclude'):
+                if len (words) < 2:
+                    self.warn \
+                        ("invalid template line: " +
+                         "'%s' expects <pattern1> <pattern2> ..." %
+                         action)
+                    return
+                pattern_list = map(convert_path, words[1:])
+            elif action in ('recursive-include','recursive-exclude'):
+                if len (words) < 3:
+                    self.warn \
+                        ("invalid template line: " +
+                         "'%s' expects <dir> <pattern1> <pattern2> ..." %
+                         action)
+                    return
+                dir = convert_path(words[1])
+                pattern_list = map (convert_path, words[2:])
+            elif action in ('graft','prune'):
+                if len (words) != 2:
+                    self.warn \
+                        ("invalid template line: " +
+                         "'%s' expects a single <dir_pattern>" %
+                         action)
+                    return
+                dir_pattern = convert_path (words[1])
+            else:
+                self.warn ("invalid template line: " +
+                               "unknown action '%s'" % action)
+                return
+            # OK, now we know that the action is valid and we have the
+            # right number of words on the line for that action -- so we
+            # can proceed with minimal error-checking.  Also, we have
+            # defined either (pattern), (dir and pattern), or
+            # (dir_pattern) -- so we don't have to spend any time
+            # digging stuff up out of 'words'.
+            if action == 'include':
+                self.debug_print("include " + string.join(pattern_list))
+                for pattern in pattern_list:
+                    if not self.select_pattern (pattern, anchor=1):
+                        self.warn ("no files found matching '%s'" %
+                                       pattern)
+            elif action == 'exclude':
+                self.debug_print("exclude " + string.join(pattern_list))
+                for pattern in pattern_list:
+                    if not self.exclude_pattern (pattern, anchor=1):
+                        self.warn (
+                            "no previously-included files found matching '%s'"%
+                            pattern)
+            elif action == 'global-include':
+                self.debug_print("global-include " + string.join(pattern_list))
+                for pattern in pattern_list:
+                    if not self.select_pattern (pattern, anchor=0):
+                        self.warn (("no files found matching '%s' " +
+                                        "anywhere in distribution") %
+                                       pattern)
+            elif action == 'global-exclude':
+                self.debug_print("global-exclude " + string.join(pattern_list))
+                for pattern in pattern_list:
+                    if not self.exclude_pattern (pattern, anchor=0):
+                        self.warn \
+                            (("no previously-included files matching '%s' " +
+                              "found anywhere in distribution") %
+                             pattern)
+            elif action == 'recursive-include':
+                self.debug_print("recursive-include %s %s" %
+                                 (dir, string.join(pattern_list)))
+                for pattern in pattern_list:
+                    if not self.select_pattern (pattern, prefix=dir):
+                        self.warn (("no files found matching '%s' " +
+                                        "under directory '%s'") %
+                                       (pattern, dir))
+            elif action == 'recursive-exclude':
+                self.debug_print("recursive-exclude %s %s" %
+                                 (dir, string.join(pattern_list)))
+                for pattern in pattern_list:
+                    if not self.exclude_pattern(pattern, prefix=dir):
+                        self.warn \
+                            (("no previously-included files matching '%s' " +
+                              "found under directory '%s'") %
+                             (pattern, dir))
+            elif action == 'graft':
+                self.debug_print("graft " + dir_pattern)
+                if not self.select_pattern(None, prefix=dir_pattern):
+                    self.warn ("no directories found matching '%s'" %
+                                   dir_pattern)
+            elif action == 'prune':
+                self.debug_print("prune " + dir_pattern)
+                if not self.exclude_pattern(None, prefix=dir_pattern):
+                    self.warn \
+                        (("no previously-included directories found " +
+                          "matching '%s'") %
+                         dir_pattern)
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError, \
+                      "this cannot happen: invalid action '%s'" % action
+    # process_line ()
+    def select_pattern (self, pattern,
+                        anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0):
+        """Select strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match
+        'pattern', a Unix-style wildcard (glob) pattern.  Patterns are not
+        quite the same as implemented by the 'fnmatch' module: '*' and '?'
+        match non-special characters, where "special" is platform-dependent:
+        slash on Unix, colon, slash, and backslash on DOS/Windows, and colon on
+        Mac OS.
+        If 'anchor' is true (the default), then the pattern match is more
+        stringent: "*.py" will match "foo.py" but not "foo/bar.py".  If
+        'anchor' is false, both of these will match.
+        If 'prefix' is supplied, then only filenames starting with 'prefix'
+        (itself a pattern) and ending with 'pattern', with anything in between
+        them, will match.  'anchor' is ignored in this case.
+        If 'is_regex' is true, 'anchor' and 'prefix' are ignored, and
+        'pattern' is assumed to be either a string containing a regex or a
+        regex object -- no translation is done, the regex is just compiled
+        and used as-is.
+        Selected strings will be added to self.files.
+        Return 1 if files are found.
+        """
+        files_found = 0
+        pattern_re = translate_pattern (pattern, anchor, prefix, is_regex)
+        self.debug_print("select_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" %
+                         pattern_re.pattern)
+        # delayed loading of allfiles list
+        if self.allfiles is None: self.allfiles = findall (self.dir)
+        for name in self.allfiles:
+            if pattern_re.search (name):
+                self.debug_print(" adding " + name)
+                self.files.append (name)
+                files_found = 1
+        return files_found
+    # select_pattern ()
+    def exclude_pattern (self, pattern,
+                         anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0):
+        """Remove strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match
+        'pattern'.  Other parameters are the same as for
+        'select_pattern()', above.  
+        The list 'self.files' is modified in place.
+        Return 1 if files are found.
+        """
+        files_found = 0
+        pattern_re = translate_pattern (pattern, anchor, prefix, is_regex)
+        self.debug_print("exclude_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" %
+                         pattern_re.pattern)
+        for i in range (len(self.files)-1, -1, -1):
+            if pattern_re.search (self.files[i]):
+                self.debug_print(" removing " + self.files[i])
+                del self.files[i]
+                files_found = 1
+        return files_found
+    # exclude_pattern ()
+    def recursive_exclude_pattern (self, dir, pattern=None):
+        """Remove filenames from 'self.files' that are under 'dir' and
+        whose basenames match 'pattern'.
+        Return 1 if files are found.
+        """
+        files_found = 0
+        self.debug_print("recursive_exclude_pattern: dir=%s, pattern=%s" %
+                         (dir, pattern))
+        if pattern is None:
+            pattern_re = None
+        else:
+            pattern_re = translate_pattern (pattern)
+        for i in range (len (self.files)-1, -1, -1):
+            (cur_dir, cur_base) = os.path.split (self.files[i])
+            if (cur_dir == dir and
+                (pattern_re is None or pattern_re.match (cur_base))):
+                self.debug_print("removing %s" % self.files[i])
+                del self.files[i]
+                files_found = 1
+        return files_found
+# class Template
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Utility functions
+def findall (dir = os.curdir):
+    """Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames
+    (relative to 'dir').
+    """
+    from stat import ST_MODE, S_ISREG, S_ISDIR, S_ISLNK
+    list = []
+    stack = [dir]
+    pop = stack.pop
+    push = stack.append
+    while stack:
+        dir = pop()
+        names = os.listdir (dir)
+        for name in names:
+            if dir != os.curdir:        # avoid the dreaded "./" syndrome
+                fullname = os.path.join (dir, name)
+            else:
+                fullname = name
+            # Avoid excess stat calls -- just one will do, thank you!
+            stat = os.stat(fullname)
+            mode = stat[ST_MODE]
+            if S_ISREG(mode):
+                list.append (fullname)
+            elif S_ISDIR(mode) and not S_ISLNK(mode):
+                push (fullname)
+    return list
+def glob_to_re (pattern):
+    """Translate a shell-like glob pattern to a regular expression; return
+    a string containing the regex.  Differs from 'fnmatch.translate()' in
+    that '*' does not match "special characters" (which are
+    platform-specific).
+    """
+    pattern_re = fnmatch.translate (pattern)
+    # '?' and '*' in the glob pattern become '.' and '.*' in the RE, which
+    # IMHO is wrong -- '?' and '*' aren't supposed to match slash in Unix,
+    # and by extension they shouldn't match such "special characters" under
+    # any OS.  So change all non-escaped dots in the RE to match any
+    # character except the special characters.
+    # XXX currently the "special characters" are just slash -- i.e. this is
+    # Unix-only.
+    pattern_re = re.sub (r'(^|[^\\])\.', r'\1[^/]', pattern_re)
+    return pattern_re
+# glob_to_re ()
+def translate_pattern (pattern, anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0):
+    """Translate a shell-like wildcard pattern to a compiled regular
+    expression.  Return the compiled regex.  If 'is_regex' true,
+    then 'pattern' is directly compiled to a regex (if it's a string)
+    or just returned as-is (assumes it's a regex object).
+    """
+    if is_regex:
+        if type(pattern) is StringType:
+            return re.compile(pattern)
+        else:
+            return pattern
+    if pattern:
+        pattern_re = glob_to_re (pattern)
+    else:
+        pattern_re = ''
+    if prefix is not None:
+        prefix_re = (glob_to_re (prefix))[0:-1] # ditch trailing $
+        pattern_re = "^" + os.path.join (prefix_re, ".*" + pattern_re)
+    else:                               # no prefix -- respect anchor flag
+        if anchor:
+            pattern_re = "^" + pattern_re
+    return re.compile (pattern_re)
+# translate_pattern ()
