[Distutils] RPM questions
Greg Ward
Thu, 1 Jun 2000 21:38:49 -0400
[oops, meant to cc this to the sig]
Hi Harry --
[and any other distutils-siggies who know more about RPM than me]
I'm beating the hell out of the bdist_rpm command to make it use config
files rather than the "package_data" file, and naturally a few questions
about RPM arise. Thought I'd ask you and the SIG instead of RTFM'ing.
(Hey, I don't have a copy of the RPM book at home... and I have to mooch
off someone else's at work.)
* are the {pre,post}_{install,uninstall} scripts specified as
raw shell code or filenames?
* if raw code, d'you think it would be acceptable to specify them as
filenames for the Distutils instead of trying to deal with shell (or
Python!) code in a config file?
* I'm punting on preserving the 'summaries' and 'descriptions'
dictionaries: either we craft a mapping syntax in config files, or
we expand 'description' and 'long_description' in the setup script
so they can be either a string (English description) or a dictionary
mapping 2-letter language codes to description in that language.
* what is "prep" for? is that a pre-build script? is it basically
the same as {pre,post}_{install,uninstall}?
* what should the default for "packager" be? I initially made it
default to "vendor" (which in turn defaults to the "contact" from
the setup script, ie. maintainer if present, author otherwise), but
then I had a dim recollection that packagers can set their
name/address in an RPM config file. True? Should "packager"
default to nothing, so RPM fills it in?
* should "release" be a string or a number? I've never seen a Red Hat
RPM with a non-integer "release", but what're the rules?
* what is "serial"?
* do you have an example Python module distribution that actually uses
most of the RPM options? The Distutils distribution is pretty
simple, so I can't fully test "bdist_rpm" with it.
* is it really necessary to pass the "--define _topdir ..." to RPM?
Recall that this breaks under RPM 2.x, and since I *still* haven't
gotten around to upgrading my Red Hat 5.2 system, this bites
me. (Who? me? procrastinating?)
OK! Enough of that; the good news is, I've rebuild enough of
"bdist_rpm" that we're back where we started, ie. it fails-to-work for me
just as it failed-to-work before I started ripping it apart. IOW, it
creates a reasonable-looking spec file, but dies because of the "rpm
--define" option. Well, guess what's next on my agenda.
Anyways, using the same ol' Distutils setup script that we're all
familiar with, and this setup.cfg:
release = 3
packager = Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net>
doc_files = CHANGES.txt
changelog =
* Wed May 31 2000 Greg Ward <gward@python.net> 0.8.3pre-1
- Hacked up bdist_rpm.py, moved meta-data into setup.cfg
* Thu May 10 2000 Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net> 0.8.2-3
- Added new options to package_data
* Tue May 09 2000 Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net> 0.8.2-2
- Include RPM_OPT_FLAGS in distutils
* Wed Apr 26 2000 Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net> 0.8.2-1
- First test of bdist_rpm
I can now run "setup.py bdist_rpm --spec-only" and get this spec file:
%define name Distutils
%define version 0.8.3pre
%define release 3
Summary: Python Distribution Utilities
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Copyright: Python
Group: Development/Libraries
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
Prefix: %{_prefix}
BuildArchitectures: noarch
Vendor: Greg Ward <gward@python.net>
Packager: Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net>
Url: http://www.python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/
A collection of modules to aid in the distribution and installation of
Python modules, extensions, and (ultimately) applications. A standard
part of Python 1.6, but also distributed separately for use with
Python 1.5.
python setup.py build
python setup.py install --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT --record=INSTALLED_FILES
%doc CHANGES.txt README.txt USAGE.txt doc/ examples/
* Wed May 31 2000 Greg Ward <gward@python.net> 0.8.3pre-1
- Hacked up bdist_rpm.py, moved meta-data into setup.cfg
* Thu May 10 2000 Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net> 0.8.2-3
- Added new options to package_data
* Tue May 09 2000 Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net> 0.8.2-2
- Include RPM_OPT_FLAGS in distutils
* Wed Apr 26 2000 Harry Henry Gebel <hgebel@inet.net> 0.8.2-1
- First test of bdist_rpm
Cool! Note that the formatting of the changelog is slightly mutilated
by ConfigParser. ;-( I dunno how sensitive RPM is about this; guess
I'll find out soon enough!
Greg Ward - Unix bigot gward@python.net
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than have to have a frontal lobotomy.