[Distutils] Dependency and compatibility

Michael Muller mmuller@enduden.com
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 19:56:46 -0500

Hi all,

The package meta-info patch I sent out a while ago includes some immature
facilities for tracking project dependencies and project compatibilities,
two ideas that I'm very interested in which I'd like to seed some discussion
on in the hopes that they will be integrated in some form or another into

Definition of terms:

_Dependencies_ are versions of external packages that a given package is
dependent upon.

A version of A a package is _Compatible_ with version B of the same package
iff A provides the same _Public Interface_ as B - A may extend B's
interface, but it may not omit any portion of it. The _Public Interface_ of
a package includes all methods and attributes that are available and not
designated as private, either explicitly in the documentation of the
package, or implicitly through the use of standard naming conventions (i.e.
names preceeded by an underscore).  It also includes the documented behavior
of methods, particularly with respect to parameter types and return values.
This subject is worthy of a much longer document, but I want to keep this

_Compatible Versions_ are versions of a package that are Compatible with a
given version of the package.

I define the _Compatibility Set_ as the inverse form of Compatible Versions:
it is the set of all versions that a package is compatible with.  If p-v1 is
compatible with p-v0, p-v0 is in p-v1's compatibility set, and p-v1 is in
p-v0's compatible versions.

If we track the dependencies and the compatibility sets of each package, it
should be possible to provide a fairly flexible system to determine whether or
not all of the required dependencies for a particular package are present, and
at least advise the user if they are not, perhaps allowing them to download
the required packages at the time of installation.

The problem is, a dependent may be compatible with many versions of a
particular dependency.  Rather than enumerating every compatibility, it
would seem desirable to define a regular-expression like syntax for
describing sets of versions, for example:

  1.20-?     matches all versions with a major number of 1 and a minor 
             number > 20
  1*         matches all versions with a major number of 1
  1.3-4*     matches 1.3.6, 1.4.1, and 1.4, but not 1.5, or 1.40

Here's an example of how such a system might function in a particular case:

   Package A version 1.2 is installed on a system and has a compatibility set
= [ '1.0.5-?', '1.1*' ] (i.e. 1.2 is compatible with all 1.0.n versions after
1.0.5, and all 1.1 versions).

   Package B version 2.0 has a dependency on package A version '1.0.9'.

In this case, the dependency is satisfied by the installed version.

This model is pretty straight-forward, however, it gets worse.  Sometimes a
compatibility break in a service package doesn't affect a particular
dependent: it doesn't matter to my package if you remove method foo() if I
don't use method foo().  For this reason, each dependency should be described
as a /set/ of compatible versions of a package, rather than a single
compatible version.

Let's consider another example:

  Package A versions 1.0.8 is installed on a system and has a compatibility
set = [ '1.0.5-7' ]

  Package A version 1.0.4 (which is not installed) has a compatibility set = [
'1.0.1-3' ]

  Package B version 2.0 (which is not affected by the interface change between
1.0.4 and 1.0.5) has a dependency on package A versions 1.0.1 _or_ 1.0.5.

Again, the dependency is satisfied.

Some issues:

-  given the variations among the ways people version software, is my notion
   of "version wildcarding" conceptually sound?
-  is it desireable (and possible) for a package to be able to specify
   wildcard dependency versions? e.g. should B be able to specify its 
   dependency on A as "1.0.1-?"?
-  is it desireable for a package to be able to explicitly ignore the
   compatibility rules of its dependencies (perhaps using wild-card version
   numbers to describe _exactly_ which versions of another package it can 

michaelMuller = mmuller@enduden.com | http://www.cloud9.net/~proteus
There is no concept that is more demeaning to the human spirit than the
notion that our freedom must be limited in the interests of our own