[Distutils] What is the license of Distutils?

Bastian Kleineidam calvin@cs.uni-sb.de
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:05:06 +0100 (CET)

Haaa, made the same mistake, wanted to send to the list, not just to Greg!
Forgive me.

:) apparently it's not *too* big a burden.)  And what modifications do you
:) want to distribute?  I like most of your patches/ideas, so if there are
:) some you're holding back, please share them!
Ok, here is a list what I have done, patches will follow (and if you have 
some ideas, they will be applied):

(1) I implemented an uninstall option. Currently this is a Python script
with a list of installed files. I like more the idea of separating the
uninstall script and just write the list of files in a file because with
my previous attempt you can not delete the Python uninstall script itself
since its running (well, under Linux this actually works - a script that
deletes itself, but not under Windows).
So I better store just a list of installed files.

(2) There is a --destdir option to install in another directory. This is
not the same as supplying the --prefix and --exec-prefix options.
I need this to generate Debian packages easily with
./setup.py install --destdir=`pwd`/debian/tmp

(3) Very crude script support. You supply a list of 'scripts' and
'programs' and they will be installed in effective_prefix/bin
(effective_prefix is either sys.prefix or sys.exec_prefix)
for Unix and in effective_prefix for Windows. You can customize this with
Why is the install directory effective_prefix under Windows? On my Win98
box this is the directory where python.exe is and I assume the user has
the python executable in his/her PATH.
If you supply a 'script', the string @INSTALL_BIN@ gets replaced with 
the value of install_bin.

(4) As you see from (3) the install command handles now systems with
os.name=='nt' where the default install_lib and install_platlib are
both effective_prefix/lib.

:) I will ask, though, that you *not* install the distutils into anyone's
:) Python installation: I want to reserve that privilege for myself and,
:) ultimately, the Python 1.6 makefile.
I will fix that in my distribution.

My program where I use the distutils is a link checker and located at
