[Distutils] install_scripts and install_data commands

Michael Muller mmuller@enduden.com
Fri, 12 May 2000 19:36:15 -0400

Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote:
> I'm only following this with half a mind at best (sorry), but Bastian had an
> email that contained:
> > >But I don't think we should rely on everyone using the
> > >"#!/usr/bin/env" hack, either: the first python on the path isn't
> > >necessarily the right one.
> > The "first python on the path" is the correct thing for the user,
> > otherwise the path is wrong. So "/usr/bin/env pyton" yields the correct
> > interpreter to execute.
> Do please remember the problem on Dec Unixes (which appears to be) that if
> the environment is large (i.e., many environment variables) then
> /usr/bin/env falls back to *printing* the environment variables, instead of
> executing the given program (gods know why, but this is Dec).

That's not the only problem, apparently different systems are undecided as
to whether "env" belongs in "/usr/bin" or in "/bin".  Also, considering that
other operating systems have their own ways of implementing the spirit of
the "#!" hack (and they're usually pretty bad at it), I think the final
script really needs to be generated during installation.

See this URL for the complete discussion on #!/bin/env:


michaelMuller = mmuller@enduden.com | http://www.cloud9.net/~proteus
The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to
gain control. - Thomas Jefferson