[Distutils] Optimized bytecode patch (explanation)

Harry Henry Gebel hgebel@inet.net
Sun, 14 May 2000 22:44:23 -0400

Hi here are the changes made by the patch:

In install_lib.py:

Puts --optimize option to work (see below)
Adds two negative options --no-compile and --no-optimize which turn off
--compile and --optimize .
No longer attempts to set compile and optimize from --compile-py and
--optimize-py in 'install' (there are no such options).
Runs 'build_clib', eliminating the need for 'install' to run 'build'

In install.py:
Removes import of glob.glob (a leftover of my --record implementation)
No longer runs 'build' (see above)
Comment in beginning of run() brought up to date

The new --optimize option really means 'both optimized and non-optimized',
but the --optimize option already existed (and is alot quicker to type :) ).
It works by running a child script with the opposite optimization setting
of the current script.

I just realized that if a user turns --compile off this patch will turn it
back on unless the user also turns off --optimize, I will fix and send an

Harry Henry Gebel, Senior Developer, Landon House SBS
West Dover Hundred, Delaware
PyNcurses ncurses binding for Python http://pyncurses.sourceforge.ne