[Distutils] Fw: [wxPython] Problem building 2.2.2 on Solaris...

Igor V. Rafienko igorr@ifi.uio.no
Fri Nov 3 14:33:02 2000

on Nov 3, 2000, 09:44, Robin Dunn std::cout'ed:

| This is from a wxPython user.  Any advice?

Yes -- hack distutils. That is what I had to do. Everything worked fine
(although linker had to be re-run (wxPython might need a C++

As a side-comment, is there any simple way to specify a _particular_
compiler/linker for a build in distutils? Something along the lines of

CXX = g++

in the traditional makefile context.

VB, by comparison, treats you like a secretary pecking on MS Office.
                      -- Phlip, on c.l.c++