[Distutils] extra files into the package dir

Rene Liebscher R.Liebscher@gmx.de
Wed Nov 8 09:55:02 2000

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Greg Ward wrote:
> [Berthold Höllmann mentions...]
> > There is support for installing data files, but they get to data
> > directories. When writing setup.py for biggles, I had the problem,
> > that a config file had to go to the package directory. All I did was adding
> >
> > class my_install_data (install_data):
> >     def finalize_options (self):
> >         self.set_undefined_options('install',
> >                                    ('install_lib', 'install_dir'),
> >                                    ('root', 'root'),
> >                                    ('force', 'force'),
> >                                   )
> >
> > and
> >
> >     cmdclass = {'install_data': my_install_data},
> >     data_files = [('biggles', ["src/config.ini"])]
> >
> > to the setup command line. This got everything to the right place.
> [Rene Liebscher replies...]
> > This is probably the simplest possible solution. My approach goes
> > further, it handles also MANIFEST.in-like templates and some other
> > special things, and it was written primary to replace distutils'
> > install_data as whole.
> > (Greg, do you remember my mail of 06/26/2000?
> > http://www.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2000-June/001671.html )
> As it turns out, the Berthold's "my_install_data" solution is really a
> bare minimum -- the "install_data" command should work that way, or have
> an option to work that way.  I wrote a setup script for IDLE that does
> basically the same as Berthold's, and if the Distutils installed their
> own config file, the Distutils setup script would also need this --
> d'oh!  I don't think I should have to extend the Distutils in order to
> install the Distutils -- droit de seigneur, in a sense.  ;-)
> Rene, I originally thought your "DataFiles" concept was overkill, but I
> originally thought having a class to describe extensions was overkill
> too.  If nothing else, introducing a simple class may be the only sane
> way to maintain backwards compatibility with the current "install_data
> class.  Here's a somewhat simpler conception of the "DataFiles" class...
I changed my my_install_data.py a little bit too.
> DataFiles --
>   represents a collection of files to be installed in a common
>   location, the "base directory".
It is called in my class copy_to, but it is only a name. 
>   Files in the collection are fragmentary paths that are concatenated
>   to the base directory at install time to create a complete
>   installation path.
This is at my class, the files list parameter.
>   The base directory may be a literal path, or it may use any of the
>   configuration variables allowed in installation directories --
>     dist_name
>     dist_version
>     dist_fullname
>     py_version
>     py_version_short
>     sys_prefix
>     prefix
>     sys_exec_prefix
>     exec_prefix
>   as well as the config vars corresponding to the installation directory
>   options to the "install" command (most of which are just one of the
>   entries in an installation scheme):
>     install_base
>     install_platbase
>     install_root
>     install_purelib
>     install_platlib
>     install_headers
>     install_scripts
>     install_data    (?maybe obsolete?)
Can you read my thoughts, I was putting this in my class when I got your

>   Thus, a base directory of "$install_base" would expand to
>   /usr/lib/python2.0/site-packages on a typical Linux installation,
>   or C:\Python on a Windows installation.  Or you could use
>   "$install_base/mypkg" to install to (eg.) C:\Python\mypkg --
>   presumably the directory where modules from your distribution
>   get installed.  (As usual, Unix paths would be translated to
>   native paths by the Distutils, so that setup scripts port across
>   operating systems.)
>   (There probably ought to be a special name for "the directory where
>   the highest-level package from this module distribution is installed",
>   which would expand to eg. /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/distutils.)
> This gets rid of dependence on the manifest machinery -- since that's
> now been factored out into a separate class (FileList, in
> distutils.filelist), developers can use it if they want.  Or they can
> use the standard 'glob' module if that's good enough, or they can list
> files manually if *that's* good enough.
Supporting an additional template parameter is about ten lines of code.

For PyOpenGL it looks then like this:       
data_files = [
               copy_to = '$install_lib/OpenGL/Demo',
               strip_dirs = 2,
                   # take the whole tree
                   'graft py/Demo',
                   # python files are already installed
                   'global-exclude *.py*',
                   'global-exclude Cvs/*',
                   'global-exclude CVS/*'

For an example how it looks if you have to specify the files
even by using glob(), look at the setup file of 4Suite


(glob doesn't work recursiv through subdirectories.) 

To show you what I mean:
the code (about 20% of 4Suite's data files section)

could be replaced by something like this
               copy_to = '$install_data/4XSLT',
               strip_dirs = 1, # this is a number
                   # take the whole tree
                   'graft Xslt/demo',
                   'graft Xslt/doc',
                   'graft Xslt/test_suite',
                   'include Xslt/README',
                   'include Xslt/ChangeLog',
                   'include Xslt/TODO',
I think the second is easier.

Kind regards
Rene Liebscher
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Provides a more sophisticated facility to install data files
than distutils' install_data does.
You can specify your files as a template like in MANIFEST.in
and you have more control over the copy process. 


# created 2000/08/01, Rene Liebscher <R.Liebscher@gmx.de>

# import some modules we need 

import os,sys,string
from types import StringType,TupleType,ListType
from distutils.util import change_root,subst_vars
from distutils.filelist import FileList
from distutils.command.install_data import install_data

# a container class for our more sophisticated install mechanism

class Data_Files:
    """ container for list of data files.
        supports a directory where to copy files
            supports variable substitution  e.g. '$install_lib','$install_header',...
        supports templates as in MANIFEST.in
        supports preserving of paths in filenames 
            eg. foo/xyz is copied to base_dir/foo/xyz
        supports stripping of leading dirs of source paths 
            eg. foo/bar1/xyz, foo/bar2/abc can be copied to bar1/xyz, bar2/abc 

    def __init__(self,files=None,copy_to=None,template=None,preserve_path=1,strip_dirs=0):
        self.files = files
        self.copy_to = copy_to
        self.template = template
        self.preserve_path = preserve_path
        self.strip_dirs = strip_dirs
        self.finalized = 0

    def warn (self, msg):
        sys.stderr.write ("warning: %s: %s\n" %
                          ("install_data", msg))
    def debug_print (self, msg):
        """Print 'msg' to stdout if the global DEBUG (taken from the
        DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable) flag is true.
        from distutils.core import DEBUG
        if DEBUG:
            print msg

    def finalize(self):
        """ complete the files list by processing the given template """
        if self.finalized: 
        if self.files == None:
            self.files = []
        if self.template != None:
            if type(self.template) == StringType:
                self.template = string.split(self.template,";")
            filelist = FileList(self.warn,self.debug_print)
            for line in self.template:
        self.finalized = 1

# end class Data_Files

# a more sophisticated install routine than distutils install_data

class my_install_data (install_data):
    def check_data(self,d):
        """ check if data are in new format, if not create a suitable object.
            returns finalized data object
        if not isinstance(d, Data_Files):
            self.warn(("old-style data files list found "
                        "-- please convert to Data_Files instance"))
            if type(d) is TupleType:
                if len(d) != 2 or  not (type(d[1]) is ListType):
                        raise DistutilsSetupError, \
                          ("each element of 'data_files' option must be an "
                            "Data File instance, a string or 2-tuple (string,[strings])")
                d = Data_Files(copy_to=d[0],files=d[1])
                if not (type(d) is StringType):
                        raise DistutilsSetupError, \
                          ("each element of 'data_files' option must be an "
                           "Data File instance, a string or 2-tuple (string,[strings])")
                d = Data_Files(files=[d],preserve_path=0)
        return d
    def run(self):
        self.outfiles = []
        install_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('install')
        config_vars = install_cmd.config_vars.copy() 
                "install_purelib": install_cmd.install_purelib,
                "install_platlib": install_cmd.install_platlib,
                "install_lib": install_cmd.install_lib,
                "install_headers": install_cmd.install_headers,
                "install_scripts": install_cmd.install_scripts,
                "install_data": install_cmd.install_data,
        for d in self.data_files:
            d = self.check_data(d)
            # copy to an other directory 
            if d.copy_to != None:
                if not os.path.isabs(d.copy_to):
                    # relative path to install_dir
                    dir = os.path.join(self.install_dir, d.copy_to)
                elif install_cmd.root:
                    # absolute path and alternative root set 
                    dir = change_root(self.root,d.copy_to)
                    # absolute path
                    dir = d.copy_to
                # simply copy to install_dir
                dir = install_dir
                # warn if necceassary  
                self.warn("setup script did not provide a directory to copy files to "
                          " -- installing right in '%s'" % self.install_dir)
            # replace variables ($install_lib, ...) in dir
            dir = os.path.normpath(subst_vars(dir,config_vars))
            # create path
            # copy all files    
            for src in d.files:
                if d.strip_dirs > 0:
                    dst = string.join(string.split(os.path.normcase(src),os.sep)[d.strip_dirs:],os.sep)
                    dst = src
                if d.preserve_path:
                    # preserve path in filename
                    out = self.copy_file(src, os.path.join(dir,dst))
                    out = self.copy_file(src, dir)
                if type(out) is TupleType:
                    out = out[0]
        return self.outfiles
    def get_inputs (self):
        inputs = []
        for d in self.data_files:
            d = self.check_data(d)
        return inputs
    def get_outputs (self):
         return self.outfiles
