[Distutils] Small change to bdist_wininst

Pete Shinners pete@visionart.com
Mon Apr 9 14:37:01 2001

> The dialog box is not large enough to display the whole text
> without scrolling, the actual textfield size (at least on
> my computer) is marked above.
> I think that the box should be enlarged so that 80 characters
> are displayed.
> Should I make this change?

another option might be to simply remove the line feeds in the
description text, then enable wordwrapping on the multiline edit
box. i also think a bigger box here is good too.

although stripping the linefeeds would destroy any formatting
anyone put into their description (like bulleted items, etc)
i'm not sure if anyone is doing anything like that (or if it is
recommended at all) in their long_description