[Distutils] libraries options

Robin Becker robin@jessikat.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Feb 6 07:37:33 2001

In article <3A7FE794.C7EC9AD4@lemburg.com>, M.-A. Lemburg
<mal@lemburg.com> writes
>Robin Becker wrote:
>> that may be true, but since we have only one .obj directory don't the
>> objects clash?
>I guess so. 
>Would it be hard to move all objects and libs into
>the Release/Debug dirs, rather than keeping them in the top-level
>build directory ?
>I am not sure about the consequences of making this change, 
>but since we're in control here (distutils is building the
>command line, so we can fiddle with it in any way we want to),
>we can easily leverage any problems this might cause by adding
>some explicit paths.
The options stuff is really messy and hard; I'll have to get myself
psyched up and do some debugging.
Robin Becker