deinstall (Was: Re: [Distutils] clean questions )

M.-A. Lemburg
Fri Feb 16 11:21:21 2001

Jack Jansen wrote:
> > You can probably do something like this:
> >
> > data_files = [('mx/Doc', glob.glob('mx/Doc/mx*.html'),
> >               ('mx/DateTime/Doc', glob.glob('mx*.html')]
> >
> > to install into several subdirectories with the _standard_
> > install_data command.
> NONONONONO, please! Not even more unixisms in distutils! The names you use in
> your setup script are URLs, not filenames. They look an awful lot like
> filenames on Unix, but they _are_ URLs. This is important on the Mac, where
> they're actually converted to the Mac filename convention. Using glob.glob on
> URLs will prove to be a dissapointing exercise there...
> Now if we could get some code in distutils that will make people's
> script remove itself if they put pathnames like "/usr/local/lib" in there...

But doesn't distutils internally use Unix file name conventions ?

I don't think it is very useful to go about and try to write
portable *configuration* files. After all, we have Python at hand,
so let distutils do the job of converting the Unixisms into
the target platform's conventions.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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