[Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python
- requirements
John J. Lee
Tue Feb 27 13:05:10 2001
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Mark W. Alexander wrote:
> As long as distutils can produce a binary for a particular platform/
> package manager combination, there's really no need for a dedicated
> (official or UNofficial) "package mantainer". All that's needed
> is a place where "python setup.py --bdist format=MyPackager" works.
> How about an interarchive-API (or redirector?), so archives can
> forward requests for binary packages to other sites known to support
> that type of binary package?
In which case:
1. Distutils should be able to pgp-sign binary (and source as well come to
think of it) packages.
2. CPyAN should be able to manage the signatures as appropriate.