[Distutils] [PATCH] Write distribution meta-data an XML file

Amos Latteier amos@digicool.com
Fri Mar 9 21:08:01 2001

Hi Guys,

I've added a patch on sourceforge to allow distribution
meta-data to be written to an XML file. This should help the
catalog effort.


The reason for the patch is that I've found out that it's
hard to extract distribution meta-data by running setup.py.
Often setup.py will not run if you don't have the required
environment. Also, there is an inherent security problem in
running setup.py to extra meta-data if you don't trust the

By writing meta-data to a file programs like the catalog can
find out the meta-data of a distribution without running any
distribution code. In fact all they'll have to do is this:

  from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata 
  f=open('metadata.xml', 'rb') 
  # At this point m is a dictionary mapping
  # meta-data names to values 


P.S. I am not attached to any paticular format for the
meta-data file. I chose XML since it seemed reasonable and
easy. I also considered RFC822. In any event, if we decide
that another format is better, all that is needed is to
change the 'write_data' and 'read_data' methods on the
DistributionMetadata class.