[Distutils] Re: Distutils-SIG digest, Vol 1 #478 - 13 msgs

Alexandre Fayolle Alexandre.Fayolle@logilab.fr
Thu Mar 15 03:47:02 2001

Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin@mems-exchange.org> wrote :

> On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 12:16:03PM -0800, Paul Prescod wrote:
> >I would suggest an algorithmic transformation from metadata to DTD
> >(perhaps performed by hand). For instance turn every metadata item into
> >an element of the same name with a value attribute or content. Then
> >there are no decisions to be made.
> Can you (or some volunteer) please write up a description of this
> transformation and post it?  I can't really figure out what this would
> buy us, but am not quite sure what you're suggesting.

You may want to check vcalsax, available at
http://www.logilab.org/vcalsax/. This module reads a vcalendar file (used
by korganizer and gnomecal, which looks a lot like rfc822), and emits SAX2
events so that it is possible to process the file as if it were XML, and
thus, for example build a DOM tree out of it.

Alexandre Fayolle
Narval is the first software agent available as free software (GPL).
LOGILAB, Paris (France).