[Distutils] Metadata fields
M.-A. Lemburg
Thu Mar 15 12:48:01 2001
Jack Jansen wrote:
> Could we add a field that would allow for the functionality that is
> now in the (very little known) checkversion.py script?
Doesn't the Version field have this information ?
> I think that it would be good enough if the metadata file contained
> the URL where the current metadata file is stored. What checkversion
> would then do is run through your Python installation looking for
> metadata files, and for each one found it would retrieve the current
> version of that file over the net. If the version number in the
> net-based file was higher than the one in the file on your disk it
> would tell you there's a new version of the package available (and
> probably offer to download it, etc).
Nice idea -- perhaps we could integrate this using the warning
framework and using a special Python command line option to trigger
the check version testing... <ok, dreaming again ;->
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Company & Consulting: http://www.egenix.com/
Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/