[Distutils] Metadata fields
Sean Reifschneider
Sat Mar 17 04:08:03 2001
On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 11:46:36AM -0500, Andrew Kuchling wrote:
>But then the meta-data file can get lost; I like having it in the
>tarball so if you have the source, you automatically have the
Yeah, I like it too. But it's harder to do when the "source" is an
HP-UX sd format file (which I don't know the format on), for example.
I wrote the code to directly extract the PKG-INFO data out of a .tar,
.tar.gz, .tar.bz, or .tar.Z file on the trip back home, so we're
covered on that side... .zip should be fairly easy to deal with...
>The problem is, "where do we put it?" If I generate an RPM, where
>does PKG-INFO go? How do you find it again? Where does it go in a
>Windows .exe installer so that a catalog can read it out? This is a
>case where separate metadata would really make sense, but I think it
>can't be resolved for 2.1.
Well, you could write it to the "dist" file with a different suffix,
and/or upload the meta-data and the Windows .exe file to my catalog
server as a multi-part MIME message. I have the code ready to do
that from both the client and server side.
Platform isn't really that much information, unless it's encoded like
the GNU platforms. "redhat-7.0-x86" Something like that.
>That's up to the cataloguer, not the Distutils. I'll reword that in
>the PEP.
I'll buy that.
I keep just enough vi knowledge in my head so that I can edit a Makefile
and build Emacs. -- Tony Foiani, 1999
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo@tummy.com>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python