[Distutils] Re: RFC: PEP243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism

Carey Evans careye@spamcop.net
Sat Mar 24 20:53:01 2001

Sean Reifschneider <jafo@tummy.com> writes:


> Platforms
>     The following are valid os names:
>         aix beos debian dos freebsd hpux mac macos mandrake netbsd
>         openbsd qnx redhat solaris suse windows yellowdog

Shouldn't there be separate values for packages for Debian GNU/Linux
and Debian GNU/Hurd?

What's the difference between "mac" and "macos"?

Other operating systems referred to in the README with Python 2.1b2

    BSDI, DEC Unix, DEC Ultrix, Minix, SCO, SunOS 4, NeXTSTEP, Irix,
    OS/2, Monterey, Reliant UNIX, Mac OS X.

Other OS's for which Python is available, that I know of, are Palm,
WinCE and OS/400.


>     The following are valid architectures:
>         alpha hppa ix86 powerpc sparc ultrasparc

Other common architectures are arm, ia64, m68k, mips, mipsel, s390 (or
whatever IBM are calling it now) and as400 (or whatever IBM are
calling _it_ now), although the AS/400 is arguably using the PowerPC
architecture.  Python should be available for all of these.

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

	    "Quiet, you'll miss the humorous conclusion."