[Distutils] Re: RFC: PEP243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism

John J. Lee phrxy@csv.warwick.ac.uk
Tue Mar 27 13:38:01 2001

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> Well, the reason I did it that way was because RedHat 7.0 is quite a bit
> different than, say Mandrake 7.0.  So you think OS of "Linux" and the
> version would be "redhat_7.0"?  I could dig that.  Good idea.  I wasn't
> really happy with having a butt-load of Linux names as the OS names...

In that case, can I just ask again why you're not using the os.name
values?  The two sets of categories seem to coincide.  If there are
missing values from those allowed os.name ATM, why not add them?
