[Distutils] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated
Amos Latteier
Tue Mar 27 21:35:01 2001
Hello Pythonistas,
I've updated my prototype catalog server
It now keeps track of who uploaded what. Plus, the registration process
sends email, so you need to provide a valid email address. Also, you can
now edit your user account information. It still does not implement pep
To contribute packages, get the lastest distutils (1.0.2pre) which
implements PEP 241. Create a package. Create a user account on the
catalog server, and upload your your package.
If you just want to play around, you can manually create a PKG-INFO file
for your archive and upload that.
I'd love feedback. Does this seem like I'm going in the right direction?
What could be done to make it easier for uploaders and/or downloaders.
Did you encounter any errors? Does the server not parse your package
P.S. The source of the catalog server is available on the catalog
server. (Though, I cheated, and added a PKG-INFO file manually.)
Amos Latteier mailto:amos@digicool.com
Digital Creations http://www.digicool.com