[Distutils] Header installation
M.-A. Lemburg
Thu Mar 29 03:32:04 2001
Konrad Hinsen wrote:
> > There is a command install_headers which could be what you are
> > looking for. If that doesn't work, you could try to use
> I think this is what I am already using by writing headers = [...]
> (please correct me if I am wrong). And it works fine, except that I
> don't know how to tell it *where* I want my header files installed.
>From reading the source for install_headers:
user_options = [('install-dir=', 'd',
"directory to install header files to"),
('force', 'f',
"force installation (overwrite existing files)"),
--install-dir defaults to the value of --install-headers of the
install command:
('install-headers=', None,
"installation directory for C/C++ headers"),
This again defaults to:
'unix_prefix': # without PYTHONHOME set
'headers': '$base/include/python$py_version_short/$dist_name',
'unix_home': # with PYTHONHOME set
'headers': '$base/include/python/$dist_name',
'headers': '$base/Include/$dist_name',
'headers': '$base/Include/$dist_name',
At least in theory, adding the install_header option to your
setup.cfg file should do the trick.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Company & Consulting: http://www.egenix.com/
Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/