[Distutils] The 'test' command
Andrew Kuchling
Thu Mar 29 12:20:00 2001
On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 06:16:16PM +0200, Thomas Heller wrote:
>> Should I begin writing a PEP on this for 2.2?
>What do you mean: Jump from 1.0.2pre to 2.2 ;-) ?
>Won't there be separate distutils releases any more?
I mean so that it gets into Python 2.2; Distutils releases will
continue, at least until Python 1.5.2 is dead and gone, which seems to
be about 2 years away.
>Will distutils completely accept python's development
>practices? PEPs and all?
>In this case it seems I would also have to write a PEP
>for uninstallation (wininst and distutils in general).
That's actually a good question. The 'test' command will raise some
issues, but it shouldn't be too complicated, and a PEP may be
overkill. I'm actually happy just discussing things, doing a first
implementation, and then poking at the code, but would like to know
what the rest of the SIG's readers think. For example, I'm not sure
what a bdist_wininst PEP would have accomplished, and don't see the
need to write one now.